
3.0 赵德峰 2024-11-11 4 4 4.03MB 73 页 15积分
摘 要
地区经济健康快速发展,而且还有可能是未来实现科学 “赶超式”发展的潜在契
“定出”思路给出了新的统计方法。通过对安徽省 1997-2012 年非正规就业和城
人意有待“优化”的;而在对安徽省 1997-2012 年的非正规就业与城市化先后进
第一、单就安徽省 1997-2012 年这十六年的发展来看,安徽省城市化发展与非正
果并不一致。第二、对安徽省 1997-2012 年非正规就业与城市化的协整检验和逐
这种均衡的关系是正向相关的。二者之间的关联很显著,城市化率每提高 1个百
分点,非正规就业人数就会增加 123.582 万,说明从长期来看,该省非正规就业
键词:非正规就业 城市化 分析 协整检验 政府作为
For a long time, urbanization, as the most important issue on economic and social
development, has been the focus of the public. The relevant studies are near to mature,
while the study of the relationship between informal employment and urbanization has
been lagged for a long time. The research of the relationship between urbanization and
informal employment in Anhui province is almost a new field. It is necessary to further
the research to speed up the development of urbanization and informal employment,
especially for the underdeveloped areas in the central and western China. Figuring out
the relationship between the two and then taking corresponding measures can not only
promote regional economy but also help realize "catch-up" development in the near
From the perspective of "kicking out", this research has made a new definition of
informal employment and then gives a new statistical method under the same
perspective. After an analysis of the informal employment and urbanization of Anhui
province in 1997-2012, we note that neither the informal employment nor urbanization
is desirable. Through several statistical analyses like unit root test, co-integration test
and Granger causality we can conclude that: Firstly, for 16 years from 1997 to 2012,
there is no strict linear relationship between the two in Anhui province, which does not
correspond with people’s common sense or conjecture. Secondly, the co-integration test
result of the urbanization and the informal employment of Anhui province in 1997-2012
shows: there is a long-term stable equilibrium relationship between the two, and this
relationship is positively related. The correlation between urbanization and informal
employment is very significant, with 1% promotion in urbanization rate, the amount of
the informal employment will increase by 1.23582 million, which means, in the long
run, the informal employment shows a high dependence on the urbanization. Thirdly, it
turns out there is a one-way Granger causality between Anhui informal employment and
its urbanization, the change of urbanization rate is a cause of the change of the informal
employment. Combined with the co-integration result, that is to say, with a continuous
development of the province's urbanization, there will be a corresponding driven growth
in the informal employment. On the contrary, the growth of informal employment does
not seem to lead to the development of urbanization, which is due to the fact that
household registration reform in cities and towns in Anhui province seriously lag
behind the development of informal employment.
It is an inevitable trend and necessary requirement of the economic and social
development to promote the benign interaction of informal employment and
urbanization, which depends on the joint efforts of the informal workers, employers and
the government. The government’s responsibility taking and government decision-
making and action are especially critical. How will the government’s work be really
“got started”, “got perfected”, “got professionalized” and “got done”, is a required
question that needs carefully thinking about for Anhui province government
departments at all levels on their road to urbanization.
Key Words: informal employment, urbanization, empirical analysis,
co-integration test, government action
目 录
第一 1
1.1 背景和意1
1.2 研究内与思路 2
1.2.1 研究内2
1.2.2 研究思路 3
1.2.3 研究方法 3
1.3 相关研究综述 4
1.3.1 国外学者相关研究综述 5
1.3.2 内相关研究综述 7
1.3.3 研究现状10
1.3.4 待进一步研究的几个10
1.4 新点及不11
1.4.1 新之11
1.4.2 11
第二 本概念和主要基础 13
2.1 本概念界定及依13
2.1.1 关于非正规就业 13
2.1.2 关于城市化 16
2.2 本研究相关基础 18
2.2.1 及非正规就业的城市化相关18
2.2.2 与非正规就业相关的割理20
第三 安徽省非正规就业与城市化关系定性分析 23
3.1 安徽省非正规就业发展的主要特征23
3.1.1 安徽省非正规就业发展的主要特征 24
3.1.2 安徽省非正规就业者面临28
3.2 安徽省的城市化发展状及主要题分析 30
3.2.1 城镇化水平相对较低 31
3.2.2 城镇承载力偏低 32
3.2.3 城镇化发展明显的省内区域差异33
3.2.4 城市规划水平建设有待提高 34
3.3 安徽省非正规就业与城市化二者关系定性分析 35
3.3.1 安徽省非正规就业的城市化应定性分析 35
3.3.2 安徽省城市化的非正规就业应定性分析 37
3.4 39
四章 安徽省非正规就业与城市化关系的实分析 41
4.1 方法41
4.2 安徽省非正规就业与城市化二者关系的实分析 42
4.2.1 变量的选择和数据处理 42
4.2.2 简单统计分析 46
4.2.3 单位根检验 47
4.2.4 协整检验 50
4.2.5 格兰杰因果检验 52
4.2.6 逐步回归分析 53
4.3 计量的主要结论及解释 54
4.3.1 主要结论 54
4.3.2 对结论的解释 55
五章 策建57
5.1 非正规就业者推动自身就业与城市化互动发展应有的57
5.1.1 多途径自身的科技文素质 57
5.1.2 统的思观念和经营理58
5.1.3 自身的合法维权意识 58
5.2 业在推动非正规就业与城市化良性发展中应有的度和作为 59
5.2.1 正对动法的严重误读,加对非正规就业者的保护 59
5.2.2 与政府方通,取政府的支持 59
5.2.3 强企业内部“平等组织氛围建设 60
5.3 政府在推动非正规就业与城市化相互关系中的责任和作用 60
5.3.1 度,作中的“”“”“60
5.3.2 找准工点,抓好中的“重”“”“61
束语 64
文献 65


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:73 页 大小:4.03MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-11


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