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世十年的高技术产业安全状况,并且以评价结果为基础,借助 Eviews 软件对外商
本文结论大致归结为四点:( 1)高技术产业安全既是一种开放条件下平稳、
方面的影响机制作用于我国高技术产业安全;32001-2010 年我国高技术产业
力一直呈上升态势,而总体产业安全度在 2007 年之前维持基本稳定,2007 年之
后有所上升。42001-2010 年外商直接投资与与我国高技术产业安全关系的实
关键词:外商直接投资 高技术产业 产业安
Under the era of knowledge economy spreading all over the world and rapid
technology innovation, our country has taken high-tech industry as guiding and
strategic industry to develop. Especially, being the WTO menber, as a good chance, let
high-tech industry become one of the most open industries in our country, and attracted
a great number of FDI. Thus, our countrys high-tech industry mainly aims to export
with foreign capital being superior. On one hand, FDI has indeed promoted the
high-tech industrys development of our country, but on the other hand, FDI also
harmed the security of our countrys high-tech industry through all kinds of channels.
The security of high-tech industry plays a key role in our countrys industry upgrading
and change in the pattern of economic growth. This thesis is aimed at examining the
condition of utilization of FDI through the research of influence of FDI on the security
of our countrys high-tech industry, so that we can establish better measures to keep
our countrys high-tech industy to develop smoothly, healthily and persistently.
Firstly, this thesis detailedly summarizes the theory of FDI and industrial security,
and reviews the reference of influence of FDI on industrial security. Based on the
existing research on industrial security and the characters of high-tech industy, this
thesis puts forward definition of high-tech industrys security. Secondly, this thesis
briefly introduces the current situation of FDI in our countrys high-tech industy, and
qualitatively analysizes the mechanism of FDI influencing the security of our countrys
high-tech industry in four aspects of capital, trade, technology and policy. Thirdly, this
thesis evaluates the condition of the security of our countrys high-tech industry of ten
years in WTO by PCA. Based on the results of evaluation, with Eviews this thesis uses
the positve analysis method to study the relevance of FDI and security of our countrys
high-tech industry. Lastly, this thesis comes up with some suggestion according to the
results of positive analysis.
The conclusion of this thesis can be summed up as four points: (1) The security of
high-tech industry is not only a state of developing smoothly, healthily, and persistently,
but also a system consisting of power of industry, industial international
competitiveness and industrial independent innovation ability; (2) FDI influences the
security of our countrys high-tech industry through four channels of capital,
technology, trade and policy; (3) The assessments of the security of our countrys
high-tech industry in 2001-2010 show: The power of industy and the industrial
independent innovation ability go down first and then up, and the industrial
international competitiveness has been an uptick. The total industry security is stable
before 2007, and goes up after 2007; (4) The results of positive analysis of the
relationship of FDI and our countrys high-tech industy security reveal: FDI influences
the power of industry, the industrial independent innovation ability and the total
security of our countrys high-tech industry negatively, and the industrial international
competitiveness is not affected by FDI directly.
Key Words: FDI, High-tech Industry, Industrial Security
第一章 ......................................................... 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 选题背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2
1.2 研究对象 ..................................................... 3
1.2.1 高技术产业的涵义 ........................................ 3
1.2.2 高技术产业的界定 ........................................ 3
1.2.3 高技术产业的特征 ........................................ 6
1.3 研究思路与研究方法 ........................................... 8
1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................ 8
1.3.2 研究方法 ............................................... 10
1.4 本文创新点与不足 ............................................ 11
第二章 相关理论及文献综述 ........................................... 12
2.1 外商直接投资的相关理论 ...................................... 12
2.1.1 外商直接投资的定义及其内涵 ............................. 12
2.1.2 外商直接投资的相关理论综述 ............................. 12
2.2 产业安全的相关理论 .......................................... 14
2.2.1 产业安全的内涵 ......................................... 14
2.2.2 产业安全的评价 ......................................... 17
2.2.3 高技术产业安全理论 ..................................... 18
2.3 外商直接投资对产业安全影响的文献综述 ........................ 20
2.3.1 国外有关外商直接投资影响产业安全的文献综述 ............. 20
2.3.2 国内有关外商直接投资影响产业安全的文献综述 ............. 22
2.3.3 相关文献综述评述 ....................................... 25
第三章 我国高技术产业中外商直接投资的现状分析 ....................... 26
3.1 我国高技术产业中外商直接投资总体规模大,增长快 .............. 27
3.2 我国高技术产业中外商直接投资的地区间分布不平衡 .............. 29
3.3 我国高技术产业中外商直接投资的产业间发展不均衡 .............. 30
3.4 我国高技术产业中外商直接投资的研发力度日益加大 .............. 31
3.5 小结 ........................................................ 33
第四章 外商直接投资对我国高技术产业安全的影响机理分析 ............... 35
4.1 外商直接投资形成产业控制 .................................... 36
4.1.1 外商资本的股权控制 ..................................... 36
4.1.2 外商资本的市场控制 ..................................... 39
4.1.3 外商资本的技术控制 ..................................... 40
4.1.4 外商资本的品牌控制 ..................................... 41
4.2 外商直接投资引发贸易依赖 .................................... 42
4.2.1 贸易依赖固化国际分工的不利地位 ......................... 43
4.2.2 贸易依赖导致产品的增加值率低下 ......................... 45
4.2.3 贸易依赖导致国外需求的风险增加 ......................... 46
4.3 外商直接投资导致技术溢出 .................................... 47
4.3.1 示范效应 ............................................... 47
4.3.2 竞争效应 ............................................... 48
4.3.3 关联效应 ............................................... 49
4.3.4 人员流动效应 ........................................... 50
4.4 我国高技术产业外资政策的相关效应 ............................ 50
4.5 小结 ........................................................ 51
第五章 我国高技术产业安全的评价研究 ................................. 52
5.1 高技术产业安全评价模型的构建 ................................ 52
5.1.1 高技术产业安全评价指标的选取原则 ....................... 52
5.1.2 高技术产业安全评价的指标体系模型 ....................... 53
5.1.3 时间序列主成分分析方法的介绍 ........................... 59
5.2 高技术产业安全的评价分析 .................................... 62
5.2.1 高技术产业产业控制力的评价分析 ......................... 62
5.2.2 高技术产业国际竞争力的评价分析 ......................... 64
5.2.3 高技术产业自主创新力的评价分析 ......................... 66
5.2.4 高技术产业综合安全度的评价分析 ......................... 68
5.3 小结 ........................................................ 70
第六章 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业安全关系的实证研究 ............... 71
6.1 变量及数据的说明 ............................................ 71
6.2 平稳性检验 .................................................. 72
6.3 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业安全的回归分析 .................. 73
6.3.1 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业产业控制力的回归分析 ....... 73
6.3.2 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业国际竞争力的回归分析 ....... 75
6.3.3 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业自主创新力的回归分析 ....... 76
6.3.4 外商直接投资与我国高技术产业综合安全度的回归分析 ....... 77
6.4 回归结果的分析 .............................................. 79
第七章 结论与政策建议 ............................................... 81
7.1 主要结论 .................................................... 81
7.2 政策建议 .................................................... 82
7.2.1 宏观政府层面的政策建议 ................................. 82
7.2.2 微观企业层面的政策建议 ................................. 85
7.3 研究展望 .................................................... 86
............................................................... 87
参考文献 ............................................................ 90
............................................................... 96


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:100 页 大小:1.79MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-07


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