
3.0 韩鲁英 2024-10-14 5 4 127.17KB 18 页 12积分
上海市建平实验 2020-2021 学年九年级上学期 10 月测试
Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)
1-25 略。
Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
Which of the following underlined parts is different pronunciation from others?
A. You will be able to read in peace. B. Shall I ask for a large steak?
C. Ice cream is high is fat and sugar. D. Who is weak in spelling in class?
根据以上发音可知,steak 中划线部分与其他三项不同。故选 B
2. All the visitors are asked to line up quietly and go into the exhibition hall one at_______ time.
A. the B. / C. a D. an
考查冠词的用法。the 定冠词,表特指;a不定冠词,表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的单词或字母前;an 不定
冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词或字母前。at a time 表示 逐一,每一次 ,固定搭配。故选 C
3. You can always see people exercise in that park, even ________cold winter mornings.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
考查介词的用法。on 指在某一天或某一天的早上、下午或晚上;in 泛指在上午、下午或晚上,表示月或年
等较长的时间前也用 inat 表示在某个时刻;from …… cold winter mornings” 表示具体的 早晨 ,应用
介词 on。故选 A
4. We ________ him to examine the patient in no time.
A. let B. make C. require D. have
考查动词辨析。let 让;make 制作;require 要求;have 有。根据 to examine the patient in no time”可知,此
处是 repuire 的用法:require sb. to do sth. 表示 要求某人做某事 ,此处表示要求他立即检查病人,
let/make/have sb do sth,排除选项 ABD。故选 C
5. Adam, may I use your phone? I think ________ is out of order.
A. I B. my C. me D. mine
考查代词辨析。I我,主格;my 我的,形容词性物主代词;me 我,宾格;mine 我的,名词性物主代词。
根据 may I use your phone? I think...is out of order” 可知此处指 我的手机 ,空后没有名词,用名词性物主代
词。故选 D
6. Once you make a decision, you'd better ____________your mind.
A. don't change B. not change C. not to change D. no changing
考查固定搭配。change 表示改变,四个选项均为动词否定的几种用法。had better not do sth.表示“最好不
要做某事”,固定搭配。故选 B
7. Yesterday the wind blew hard, but today it blows even ________.
A. hard B. harder C. hardly D. more hardly
hard 猛烈地;harder 猛烈
地,副词比较级;hardly 几乎不;more hardly 无此形式。even 后加比较级 harder “ ,表示 更猛烈地 。故选
8. Jane __________ be in the office. She has gone to the meeting room.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t


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作者:韩鲁英 分类:中小学教育资料 价格:12积分 属性:18 页 大小:127.17KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-10-14


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