
3.0 朱铭铭 2024-09-20 9 4 3.74MB 56 页 150积分
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并取得了一定成果。本课题要解决的问题是将纳税人申报纳税流程移植到 Internet 环境中,纳
税人通过 Internet 完成纳税申报业务,为电子报税业务的开展提供了一个软件技术平台,方
通过对吴江地税纳税工作需求的分析,开发了基于 Web 的纳税报税系统,在软件结构
上采用 B/S 结构(Browser/Server)本文的主要研究工作有以下几个方面:1在电子申报系用
XML 格式来描述、存储和交换申报数据,并给出了申报业务的数据模型;对 XML 文件的两
种解析模式 DOM SAX 进行了详细分析,设计了运用 SAX 模式的 XML 解析算法。2基于
电子申报系统内、外隔离的网络结构,采用消息中间件技术来交换信息:提出了基于 JMS
解决方案,并设计了基于 JMS 规范的发送、接收算法。3应用统一建模语言(UML)对申报过
证书的 PKI 安全技术就可以有效解决网上纳税的安全性问题。5、采用基于 J2EE 的三层体系
结构和 MVC 开发模式开发出电子申报系统。
关键字:XML,网上申报,MVC 开发模式,UMLPKI
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Along with the fast development and wide spread application of network andinformation
technology, Everyplace tax bureau is under way the informatization construction of revenueand
obtained the certain result. The problem that this topic is to declare taxpayer to pay taxes the
process to transplant the environment of Internet. The taxpayer complete to declare ratepaying
business through Internet, to provide a software technique platform for ratepaying provide the
convenience for the taxpayer, raise the work efficiency of the tax office.
This disseration develops the Electronic Tax Revenue System on Web based on WUJIANG
Tax Revenue requirements, which adopts the architecture of B/S (Browser/ Server). The main study
aspects are the flowwing 1The thesis uses XML to describe, save and exchange the data
designs solution arithmetic using SAX model in Electronic Tax Revenue System.(2)Because of
the inner and outer netwoks isolated, and using the MOM to transfer data, this thesis puts forward
the JMS-based scheme and designed JMS-based sending and receiving arithmetic, and realized the
data communication subsystem on the basis of the comparison of present common used information
communication systems.(3)This thesis use the UML to module analysis,use usecase diagram to
describe the function of the system from the angle of the customer, point out operator of each
function, also describe the condition and  information stream of usecase, let us to understand
system operation process clearly. This system use class diagram to construct the static state model
of the system, find  the related class of system, detailed describe the attribute and operation
methods, and  use the sequence diagram to express the information transfer and logical control
among classes, Thus construct the dynamic model of the system. (4)Using PKI  Security
Technology based on digital certification to solove the satety prolem of Electronic Tax Revenue
System. ( 5 ) Useing the Three-tier architecture based on J2EE and MVC design-pattern to
develop the Electronic Tax Revenue System.
This system has been successfully used in 9 revenues, banks and taxpayers in WUJIANG. The
realization of the system has upgraded the electronic level of tax and also promoted the
development of electronic government affairs as well as the further development of electronic tax in
our country.
KeyWordsXMLElectronic TaxMVCModuleUMLPKI
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第一章 绪论................................................................1
1.1 课题研究的背景......................................................1
1.2 国内外研究现状......................................................2
1.3 税务电子申报概述....................................................3
1.4 系统开发的原则......................................................4
1.5 新系统的开发特点....................................................4
1.6 系统开发构架........................................................5
1. 7 本文的研究点.................................................6
2 章 相关技术研究........................................................7
2.1 系统开发平台........................................................7
2.2.1 J2EE 介绍......................................................7
2.1.2 MVC 模式.......................................................8
2.1.3 MVC 模式在电子申报系统中的应用................................10
2.2 XML 技术...........................................................11
2.3 网络安全技术研究...................................................14
2.3.1 虚拟专用网技术................................................15
2.3.2 数字证技术.....................................................16
2.4 统一开发方法.......................................................16
2.5 本章结...........................................................17
第三章 申报业务需求分析...................................................18
3.1 新电子申报系统简介...............................................18
3.2 申报业务流程分析...................................................18
3.3 网络申报系统的体构架.............................................21
3.4 本章结...........................................................22
章 申报系统数据和申报报设计.......................................23
4.1 系统数据的设计...................................................23
4.2 用 XML 标准化申报数据................................................26
4.3 申报数据文件的 SAX解析..............................................27
4. 3 电子申报系统中的数据交换应用......................................29
4.3.1 申报数据传中的数据发送程序..................................30
4.3.2 申报数据传中的数据接收程序..................................31
4.4 本章结...........................................................32
章 申报系统详细设计...................................................33
5.1 互联网电子申报系统的三层结构设计...................................33
5.2 系统录和注册.................................................35
5.3 申报处理.......................................................35
5.3.1 申报纳税程序的描述............................................36
5.3.2 收系统需求..................................................36
5.3.3 定用例......................................................37
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作者:朱铭铭 分类:高等教育资料 价格:150积分 属性:56 页 大小:3.74MB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-09-20


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