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投资(简称 FDI)无论在规模还是增量上都列居全国前茅,因此,研究 FDI 能否
课题具有重要战略意义。虽然关于 FDI 技术溢出的研究已有不少成果,但研究并
没有得到一致的结论且主要偏重于行业内,对 FDI 后向关联的研究则较少并主要
停留在验证其溢出效应存在性上,FDI 后向关联如何影响自主创新的研究不多。
本文采用理论推断的方法,在 FDI 理论、企业知识理论、知识溢出理论和自
主创新理论等的基础上,分析 FDI 提升东道国企业创新能力的可行性及 FDI 后向
关联的技术溢出机理,采用实证研究的方法检验浙江 FDI 后向关联对自主创新能
力的影响,基于技术特征、市场特征及技术差距分析其对 FDI 后向关联溢出效应
的影响,并结合浙江的实现情况提出如何利用 FDI 提升企业自主创新能力的对策
本文通过对 FDI 后向关联技术溢出进行理论分析,进一步丰富了 FDI 研究理
论,探明了 FDI 后向关联对技术创新的作用机理,为企业和政府采取策略性行动
来扩大 FDI 技术溢出提供对策参考。开展浙江 FDI 后向关联对浙江企业自主创新
能力提高的实证研究,为浙江企业利用 FDI 提升自主创新能力提供理论与现实对
首先从 FDI 发生的必然性、FDI 技术溢出发生的可能性及东道国供应商企业利用
FDI 的溢出效应提升创新能力的可能性三个角度来论证 FDI 提升东道国供应商企
业创新能力的可行性;其次从 FDI 后向关联技术溢出涉及的溢出主体、动力机制、
溢出条件、溢出途径和溢出模型五个方面分析 FDI 后向关联的溢出机理;再次根
分析说明,并对浙江利用 FDI 的现状、浙江自主创新能力的现状进行分析;其次
基于前面的分析利用浙江 2003-2008 年制造业 27 个行业的面板数据对本文的假设
本文研究结论:第一,东道国企业利用 FDI 后向关联提升其自主创新能力在
理论上具有可行性;第二,探明 FDI 后向关联技术溢出影响东道国企业自主创新
能力的机理,得出了 FDI 后向关联技术溢出模型;第三,浙江 FDI 后向关联技术
业竞争程度促进了 FDI 后向关联的技术溢出对浙江企业自主创新能力的影响,技
术差距、行业技术密集度的作用则相反;第五,政府可通过引导 FDI 进入省内主
施,增强 FDI 企业技术溢出对内资企业自主创新的促进作用;第六,浙江省企业
本文的创新点:第一,从后向关联的视角探明了 FDI 技术溢出影响东道国企
业技术创新的机理,得出了 FDI 后向关联技术溢出模型;第二,以浙江省 FDI
研究对象,采用面板数据在总体上证实了 FDI 后向关联对浙江内资企业自主创新
FDI 后向关联技术溢出,内外资企业技术差距、行业技术密集度则产生相反的作用。
The core competitiveness of enterprises and regions mainly depends on the
capability of Independent innovation. As the arrival of the third round economic
restructuring and implementation of overall innovation strategy, more and more
attention focus on how to enhance the independent innovation capability of domestic
Zhejiang province has made use FDI since the early eighties of the 20th century,
and it has entered the forefront list of China in terms of scale and incremental. So,
studying whether FDI can promote enterprises of Zhejiang province improving
independent innovation capability and how to achieve it is an issue with strategic
Although much research has made about the technology spillovers of FDI,
researchers don’t obtain consistent conclusion. In addition, early researcher mainly
studied the effect from the angle of intra-industry rather then inter-industry and
backward linkages. As a result, researches on the technology spillovers of FDI from
backward linkage and the effect on independent innovation capability of Zhejiang
province still need to be supplemented.
On the basis of relational theories, this paper use theoretical inference method to
analyze the feasibility of use FDI of backward linkages to enhance independent
innovation capability of domestic companies and the mechanism between them, then
using the data from Zhejiang to test the mechanism and its factors like technical
characteristics, market characteristics, the technology gap. At last, according to the
conclusion put forward suggestions for government and enterprises of Zhejiang.
The theoretical analysis finds the mechanism between FDI of backward linkages
and the independent innovation capability of domestic companies, and enriches the
results about them. At the same time, conclusions form the research of Zhejiang
province will give advice to government and corresponding companies to expend the
positive influence from FDI to them.
Research procedure: first, analyzed the feasibility of using FDI to enhance the
independent innovation capability form three angle, they are the inevitability of FDI, the
possibility of FDI technology spillovers effect, and the influence of FDI technology
spillovers to domestic companies; second, explored the overflow mechanism of FDI
from analyzing the main part, the overflow condition, the overflow ways, the driving
force and FDI spillover model. And then put forward five hypothesis ;Third, carried out
the empirical tests by data of Zhejiang province, this part conclude three point, they are
choosing corresponding indicators, describing the situation of FDI and R&D of
Zhejiang province, testing the effect of FDI spillover in Zhejiang.
Conclusion: 1.In theory, it’s possible for domestic companies to enhance
independent innovation capability by using FDI spillover effect ; 2. verifying the
mechanism of how FDI of backward linkage influence domestic company’s
independent innovation capability, and obtaining FDI technology spillover model; 3.
FDI of backward linkage in Zhejiang significantly promoted domestic companies
upgrade their independent innovation capability; 4. Factors like the level of competition
and technological opportunities of one industry accelerate FDI spillover effect, but
factors like technology gap and technology intensity don’t work like them.5.
Government can promotes FDI spillover effect by building communication platform,
improving regional innovation system, optimizing the industrial structure and so on; 6.
Domestic companies of Zhejiang province can also promote FDI spillover effect by
changing the concept of how to innovate, increase the input of R&D, enhancing the
relationship with FDI.
Innovation of this paper: 1. verifying the mechanism of how FDI of backward
linkage influence domestic company’s independent innovation capability, and obtaining
FDI technology spillover model; 2. Through empirical test proved that FDI of backward
linkage promoting companies upgrade their independent innovation capability, further
more , Factors like the level of competition and technological opportunities of one
industry accelerate FDI spillover effect, but factors like technology gap and technology
intensity of one industry don’t work like them.
Keywords: FDI; backward linkages; technology spillover; independent innovation
目 录
第一章 绪论..........................................................1
第一节 选题背景 .................................................... 1
第二节 研究目的与意义 .............................................. 2
第三节 研究对象及内容 .............................................. 2
第四节 概念界定 .................................................... 3
第五节 研究方法与思路 .............................................. 5
第六节 研究创新与不足 .............................................. 7
第二章 文献综述......................................................8
第一节 自主创新相关理论综述 ........................................ 8
第二节FDI后向关联技术溢出研究综述 ................................ 11
第三节 FDI技术溢出对技术创新影响研究.............................. 17
第四节 研究评述 ................................................... 21
第五节 本章小结 ................................................... 22
第三章 FDI后向关联技术溢出机理研究 .................................23
第一节 FDI后向关联技术溢出可能性分析.............................. 23
第二节 FDI后向关联技术溢出机理.................................... 25
第三节 实证模型选择 ............................................... 31
第四节 估计模型设定及数据选择 ..................................... 31
第五节 本章小结 ................................................... 33
第四章 浙江省FDI与自主创新能力现状分析 .............................34
第一节 创新指标的选取 ............................................. 34
第二节 浙江省FDI现状.............................................. 35
第三节 浙江省自主创新能力现状 ..................................... 39
第四节 本章小结 ................................................... 41
第五章 FDI对浙江企业自主创新能力影响实证分析 .......................43
第一节 数据来源及描述 ............................................. 43
第二节 FDI影响自主创新能力全行业实证分析.......................... 44
第三节 FDI影响自主创新能力分行业实证分析.......................... 48


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作者:李佳 分类:高等教育资料 价格:150积分 属性:74 页 大小:808.01KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-20


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