摘 要
20世纪 90 年代以来,人民币汇率问题逐渐引起了全世界的关注。2002 年10
该虚拟变量的系数,进而判断该突变是否重要。而本研究首先使用 chow 检验判断
本研究首先测算了在不考虑结构突变情况下的 2002-2012 年人民币均衡汇率
人民币汇率失调呈阶段性,共划分为 5个阶段。第一阶段:2002 年2月至 03 年7
月人民币汇率被持续低估,平均低估率 9.2%;第二阶段:2003 年8月至 05 年1
月人民币汇率基本稳定在均衡水平,平均低估率 5.5‰;第三阶段:2005 年2月至
08 年3月人民币被持续低估,平均被低率 9.14%;第四阶段:2008 年4月至 10
年10 月人民币被持续轻微高估,平均高估率 5.63%;第五阶段:2010 年11 月至
12 年6月人民币被持续高估且高估幅度递增,平均高估率 28.7%。
进而选定了 5项引发均衡汇率测算模型结构突变的事件。包括:2006 年5月的合
格境内投资者境外证券投资开放,2007 年5月的人民币汇率形成机制改革,2008
年5月的汶川特大地震,2009 年3月的医药卫生体制改革以及 2009 年7月的下调
调。汇率失调集中在一个时段内,总失调程度可划分为 5个阶段。第一阶段:2002
年2月至 06 年4月人民币汇率被轻微低估,平均低估率 1.68%;第二阶段:2006
年5月至 06 年9月人民币汇率被严重高估,平均高估率 184.69%;第三阶段:2006
年10 月至 07 年1月人民币汇率被严重低估平均低估率 128.91%;第四阶段:2007
年2月至 07 年6月人民币汇率被高估,平均高估率 51.99%;第五阶段:2007 年7
月至 12 年6月人民币汇率被轻微高估,平均高估率 3.68%。
此外,本研究还确定了突变事件对人民币汇率的影响。其中,2007 年5月的
人民币汇率形成机制改革造成了实际有效汇率下降 61.41%;2008 年5月的汶川特
大地震造成了实际有效汇率上升 22.55%;2009 年3月的医药卫生体制改革造成了
实际有效汇率下降 6.13%;2009 年7月的下调出口关税造成了实际有效汇率下降
关键词:人民币汇率;结构突变;chow 检验;一般均衡;汇率改革
Since the 1990s, the RMB exchange rate has gradually caught the world's attention.
Since October 2002, the international societies’ requirements of the RMB exchange rate
appreciation have been increased. China's international trade was bothered by the RMB
exchange rate problems every year. Empirical analysis shows that: A reasonable
exchange rate is not only related to the country’s balance of international payment, but
also the domestic macroeconomic stability and the economic sustainability of growth.
Our country's market economic system has not yet been perfect, so the economic and
social system reform carries out frequently, which has important influences on the RMB
exchange rate. Therefore, it is of great importance to calculate the RMB equilibrium
exchange rate in consideration of these reforms.
The existing equilibrium exchange rate calculations do not involve structure
mutation very often. The one that involves only think about the influence of the
exchange rate reform on equilibrium exchange rate. This research however, does not
empirically determine the mutations, but starts from the general equilibrium equation
model, and judges which changes or reforms have significant influences on RMB
exchange rate item by item. So, this study covers more common and important structure
mutations, and can be used to study the influences of a variety of economic policies and
social system reforms on the RMB exchange rate. At the same time, the existing
calculations which contain structure mutations usually add dummy variables into the
standard model directly, determine their coefficient through linear regression, and then
judge the importance of the mutations. But this research uses chow test to judge if a
structure mutation has occurred in the first place. If it occurred, adds the corresponding
dummy variable into the model. This research separates the judgment of the structure
mutations and the modification of the model based on mutations, which takes the
confusions out of the calculation of multiple mutations equilibrium exchange rate.
This study first estimates the 2002-2012 RMB equilibrium exchange rate and its
deviation ratio, under no consideration of structure mutation. Estimates show that: In
ten years, the RMB real effective exchange rate changed on both sides of its equilibrium
level. And there is no sign of systemic disorders. Over time, the RMB exchange rate
showed a slow development to the overestimate. The exchange rate disorder is periodic,
and can be divided into five stages. The first stage: From February 2002 to July 2003
the RMB exchange rate are consistently undervalued, with an average underestimate
rate of 9.2%; The second stage: From August 2003 to January 2005 the RMB exchange
rate was basically stable at equilibrium level, with an average underestimate rate of
5.5‰; The third stage: From February 2005 to March 2008 the RMB was consistently
undervalued, with an average underestimate rate of 9.14%; The fourth stage: From April
2008 to October 2010 the RMB is sustainedly minor overvalued, with an average
overestimate rate of 5.63%; The fifth step: From November 2010 to June 2012 the RMB
is continuously and increasing overestimates, with an average overestimate rate of
Then, this study lists the significant economic or social events in ten years and
verifies their influences on the economic balance. And selects five events that cause
structure mutations in the equilibrium exchange rate estimation model. The events
include: The qualified domestic institutions overseas investment (QDII) opening up in
May 2006, the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform in May 2007, the
earthquake of Wen Chuan in May 2008, the medical health system reform in March
2009, and the cutting down of export tariffs in July 2009.
Further, this research adds structure mutations into the equilibrium exchange rate
model in the from of dummy variables, and gets RMB equilibrium exchange rate model
which contains structure mutations. Then acquires RMB equilibrium exchange rate and
its deviation containing structure mutations through empirical analysis. Estimates show
that: If taking the structure mutations into consideration, the RMB real effective
exchange rate and its equilibrium level anastomose good in most time. The RMB
exchange rate does not show any systemic disorders. The disorders concentrates in a
specific period of time, and the total disorder degrees can be divided into five stages.
The first stage: Form February 2002 to April 2006 the RMB exchange rate is minor
underestimated, with an average underestimate rate of 1.68%; The second stage: Form
May to September 2006 the RMB exchange rate is seriously overvalued, with an
average overestimate rate of 184.69%; The third stage: Form October 2006 to January
2007 the RMB exchange rate is badly underestimated, with an average underestimate
rate of 128.91%; The fourth stage: From February to June 2007 the RMB exchange rate
is overvalued, with an average overestimate rate of 51.99%; The fifth stage: From July
2007 to June 2012 the RMB exchange rate is minor overvalued, with an average
overestimate rate of 3.68%.
In addition, this study determines the influences of the mutation events on the
RMB exchange rate. Among them, the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism
reform in May 2007 caused the real effective exchange rate fall by 61.41%, the
earthquake of Wen Chuan in May 2008 caused the real effective exchange rate rising by
22.55%, the medical health system reform in March 2009 caused the real effective
exchange rate fall by 6.13%, and the cutting of export tariffs in July 2009 caused the
real effective exchange rate fall by 20.09%.
Based on the above conclusions of the RMB exchange rate disorders, this study
proposes that the government should reduce direct interventions in the exchange rate,
and keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable. At the same time, the government
should make comprehensive analysis about the influence of the various economic and
social policies on the exchange rate.
Keywords: RMB exchange rate; structural mutation; chow-test; general
equilibrium, exchange rate reform
第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 9
第一节 研究背景与意义 ....................................................................................... 9
第二节 研究内容与研究方法 ............................................................................... 10
第三节 可能的创新点 ........................................................................................... 12
第二章 文献综述 .......................................................................................................... 13
第一节 均衡汇率测算的理论研究 ....................................................................... 13
第二节 人民币均衡汇率测算的实证研究 ........................................................... 16
第三节 包含结构突变均衡汇率测算的实证研究 ............................................... 19
第四节 文献简要评述 ........................................................................................... 21
第三章 一般的均衡汇率测算 ...................................................................................... 23
第一节 一般均衡框架下的均衡汇率研究模型 ................................................... 23
第二节 数据及实证分析 ....................................................................................... 27
第三节 均衡汇率测算的结果分析 ....................................................................... 36
第四章 结构突变点的选择与判断 .............................................................................. 38
第一节 实际有效汇率的波动 ............................................................................... 38
第二节 一般均衡模型中可能的结构突变 ........................................................... 39
第三节 chow 检验与突变点选定 ......................................................................... 43
第五章 包含结构突变的均衡汇率测算 ...................................................................... 47
第一节 对研究模型的修正 ................................................................................... 47
第二节 包含突变的实证分析 ............................................................................... 47
第三节 包含突变的均衡汇率测算结果分析 ....................................................... 52
第六章 研究结论和相关建议 ...................................................................................... 56
第一节 本研究的主要结论 ................................................................................. 56
第二节 政策建议 ................................................................................................... 57
第二节 本研究的局限性 ....................................................................................... 58
参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 60
附录 ................................................................................................................................ 64
致谢 ................................................................................................................................ 71
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