
3.0 周伟光 2024-09-30 4 4 622.12KB 66 页 15积分
摘 要
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 Literature Review......................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Previous Studies on Vocabulary Acquisition....................................................... 5
1.3 Comments on Previous Studies ......................................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Relevant Theoretical Bases........................................................................ 14
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 14
2.2 LCCM Theory (Evans, 2009)............................................................................ 14
2.3Cognitive-psychological Foundations for the Construction of Lexical
Knowledge Representation Networks ............................................................. 17
2.4 Summary............................................................................................................ 20
Chapter3 Remodeling Lexical Knowledge................................................................. 22
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Ten Types of Remodeled Lexical Knowledge................................................... 22
3.3 Summary............................................................................................................ 27
Chapter 4 Practical Application of Lexical Knowledge Representation into Senior
High School English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching ........................................ 29
4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Vocabulary Standards in Standards for China’s General Senior High School
English Curriculum (experimental)................................................................. 29
4.3 Current Situation of Vocabulary Learning and Teaching in China’s Senior High
Schools ............................................................................................................ 30
4.4 Construction of Lexical Knowledge Representation Networks in Vocabulary
Learning and Teaching .................................................................................... 40
4.5 Survey and Analysis .......................................................................................... 52
4.6 Summary............................................................................................................ 53
Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 55
Bibliography.................................................................................................................. 59
Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 63
1. Significance of the Research
Vocabulary is the very foundation of a language as the cell is the building
material for our human body. Therefore, in order to acquire a language, or in other
words, be able to communicate in another language, the acquisition (in this thesis,
“acquisition” means the result of learning or the resultant state attained to through
learning. The two words “acquisition” and “learning” will on certain occasions be
used interchangeably) of its vocabulary is indispensable. Wilkins (1972) in his
Linguistics in Language Teaching thinks highly of the importance of vocabulary:
“without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be
conveyed”. It is clear that vocabulary is the core of a language. Naturally, vocabulary
teaching and learning is also important and it has received great interest in the
academic world since the 1980s. However, there is a long way to be covered. The
sufficient learning of vocabulary is believed to be the most difficult aspect of learning
English for a great majority of English learners, just as Wang (汪榕培,2000) states
that “for students, in the process of foreign language learning, the greatest difficulty
lies in how to learn and master vocabulary”(汪榕培,2000:25). What’s more, it is true
that many English learners have spent a lot of time in memorizing words, but
unexpectedly, the result is not so satisfactory. Therefore, the problem of how to learn
and master vocabulary efficiently is of great importance.
Ma & Wen (马广惠&文秋芳,1999 ) find that vocabulary learning will give rise
to a greater sense of achievement in English learning. And for a learner, the larger his
vocabulary is, the more intelligent he is in reading and listening. According to
vocabulary standards for Level 8 (the basic requirements for senior high school
graduation), which are specified in Standards for China’s General Senior High School
English Curriculum (experimental) (China’s Ministry of Education, 2003), senior
high school students are required to master 3500 words and 400-500 collocations
before taking the College Entrance Exam. Despite the greater emphasis on vocabulary
acquisition, teachers would like to stress grammar learning. However, no matter how
perfect a learners pronunciation is and how accurate his grammar is, he can not
express himself or communicate with others felicitously without sufficient vocabulary.
As a result, the neglect of vocabulary teaching will do harm to students’ reading,
listening and even writing.
Obviously, the present situation of senior high school students’ vocabulary
teaching and learning is not so promising. In the teaching or learning process, both
teachers and learners only care about expanding their vocabulary by means of
mechanical memorization without paying much attention to dynamic or networked
development. However, mechanical memorization will not help students reach the
Level 8. Therefore, the study on efficient ways of vocabulary teaching and learning is
of great importance. As a matter of fact, a sound lexical knowledge representation is
the guarantee for choosing appropriate vocabulary learning strategies and teaching
approaches. In other words, the key to vocabulary acquisition should be the proper
articulation of lexical knowledge.
Taking this reality into consideration, the current research attempts to remodel
lexical knowledge first, and then to construct examples of lexical knowledge
representation networks or to design teaching plans to enhance vocabulary acquisition
in senior high school English classroom based on the study of lexical knowledge and
with the guidance of relevant principles.
Theoretically speaking, the present study has explored the value of Lexical
Concepts and Cognitive Models (hereinafter referred to as LCCM) Theory (Evans,
2009), Long-term Memory and Levels of Processing Theory in the field of vocabulary
acquisition, so it will definitely promote these three theories’ development. Practically
speaking, the contributions of the present study are as follows: 1) this thesis proposes
some new methods for vocabulary teaching and learning; 2) the application of these
methods will not only help students memorize and enlarge their vocabulary from both
quantities and qualities in the process of connecting new data of knowledge with the
previously learned, but help them better understand reading passages if they are able
to conceive such kind of networks; 3) the designed teaching plans will provide
teachers with reference when conducting vocabulary teaching, and do a great help in


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作者:周伟光 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:66 页 大小:622.12KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-30


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