
3.0 李佳 2024-09-20 4 4 461.18KB 54 页 150积分
的不确定性,随着我国利率市场化的推进,尤其是 2008 年金融危机爆发以来,
VaR 模型法,利率风险度量VaR 模型能否准确预测利率风险对商业银行来说非常
重要。本文在国内外学者研究的基础上,将 ARMA-GARCH 族模型引入到VaR
并比较分析了传统静态利率风险度量方法和VaR 模型法,结合同业拆借利率风险
特征,提出当前我国商业银行宜采用VaR 模型法度量同业拆借利率风险。然后介
绍了 ARMA-GARCH 族模型,并根据国内外学者对VaR 模型有效性评价研究成果,
提出了一个有效性评价思路。最后选取 2007 312 日到 2010 118 日同
业拆借市场隔夜拆借利率数据为研究对象,将 ARMA-GARCH 族模型及巴塞尔协
议推荐的VaR 方法引入到同业拆借利率风险度量中,结合不同的残差分布假设,
建立了 12 VaR 模型具体方法对利率风险进行估计,利用无条件覆盖、有条件覆
盖回测技术对具体的VaR 模型估计准确性及突破事件的独立性进行分析,并利用
的置信水平下,GED 分布下的 GARCH 族模型的有效性高于正态分布假设下的
GARCH 族模型,非对称的 GARCH 族模型估计的有效性高于对称的 GARCH 模型,
通过 GED 分布尾部参数及非对称 GARCH 族模型的杠杆系数可以发现,同业拆借
征。90%的置信水平下,所有的VaR 模型具体方法都高估了利率风险,其中 GED
分布下非对称的 GARCH 族模型及历史模拟法估计的准确性相对较高。在 99%
信水平下,所有的VaR 模型具体方法都通过了混合 Kupiec 检验,但从模型的例外
值次数来看,正态假设分布下的 GARCH 族模型的有效性高于 GED 分布下的
GARCH 族模型。
关键词:VaRGARCH 族模型;回测技术;杠杆效应
Positions in risk assets expose commercial banks in China to interest rate
risk,which refers to the possibility of loss in the market value of the positions dued to
adverse changes in interest rate. Along with the liberalization reformof interest rate in
our country, especially after the explosion of financial crisis in 2008,the fluctuation of
interest rate is becoming more and more frequently and sensitively. Interest rate of
inter-bank, which has become the most marketizational interest in China, is more
sensitive increasingly. The inter-bank interest rate risk which our commercial banks
faces is stronger gradually. How to improve the level of interest rate risk management
attracts more and more attentionof commercial bank in China. The key to measure of
interest rate risk accurately is the which measurement to use. Currently, the most widely
used international risk measurement of interest rate is VaR model. Whether VaR model
can predict the interest rate risk accurately is very important tocommercial banks .
Based on the research of foreign and domestic researchers, we introduced the
ARIMA-GARCH models into the research on measurement of interest rate risk of
inter-bank in the paper.
Firstly ,we analysed the definition and form of interest rate risk, and characteristics
of inter-bank interest rate risk. We take a comparative analysis on traditional static
measurement of interest rate risk and VaR model. Connected with the characteristics of
inter-bank interest rate risk nowadays, we think that VaR model is fit for measurement
of inter-bank interest rate risk. Secondly, this paper will introduce the class of
ARMA-GARCH model, and propose an idea on evaluating the validity of the VaR
model basedg on domestic and foreign research. Thirdly, this paper will chose Chinese
interbank market data as the research object and introduce the ARMA-GARCH models
and the methods recommended by the Basel II into measurement of the interest rate
risk. CombineD with different residual distribution hypothesis, we set up 12 specific
methods of interest rate models to estimate the risk. Unconditional coverage and
conditional coverage back testing are used to analysized the accuracy of VaR models
estimation and independence of exceptional value in the paper. We also made a
comparative analysis on the specific measurements of VaR models by Back-testing.
The results showed that under 95% confidence level, under GED distribution the
GARCH models are more effective than the normal distribution assumption of the
GARCH models, and asymmetric GARCH models estimation are more effective than
the symmetric GARCH models. Through GED distribution tail parameter and
asymmetric GARCH model leverage analysis, we find that income of inter-bank lending
distribution series appear "fat tail", And fluctuation of the income has a "negative
leverage effect" feature. Under 90% confidence level, all measurements of VaR models
overestimate the risk of interest rate, while measurements under the GED distribution of
asymmetric GARCH models and historical simulation method are more accurater
relatively. Under 99% confidence level, all models have passed the mixed Kupiec test,
but through the view of exception, the GARCH models under normal distribution was
more validity than the GARCH models under GED Distribution.
KeywordsValue at RiskGARCH ModelBacktestingLeverage Effect
第一章 绪论.....................................................................................................................1
第一节 研究背景......................................................................................................1
第二节 研究目的与意义..........................................................................................1
第三节 VaR 与同业拆借利率风险度量研究综述..................................................2
第四节 研究思路与论文结构..................................................................................9
第五节 创新之处....................................................................................................10
第二章 同业拆借利率风险度量 VaR 模型理论分析...................................................11
第一节 利率风险的定义及分类............................................................................11
第二节 同业拆借利率风险特征............................................................................12
第三节 传统的利率风险度量方法........................................................................13
第四节 利率风险度量 VaR 模型法.......................................................................16
第五节 VaR 模型在同业拆借利率风险度量中适用性分析................................19
第三章 同业拆借利率波动预测模型及 VaR 模型有效性评价框架构建...................22
第一节 同业拆借利率波动预测模型....................................................................22
第二节 有效性评价框架的构建............................................................................26
第四章 基于 VaR 模型同业拆借利率风险度量实证分析...........................................33
第一节 数据选取及分析........................................................................................33
第二节 ARMA-GARCH 族模型条件标准差的计算........................................... 36
第三节 利率风险动态 VaR 值的计算...................................................................40
第四节 VaR 模型有效性分析.................................................................................41
第五章 结论与展望.......................................................................................................45
第一节 结论............................................................................................................45
第二节 展望............................................................................................................46


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作者:李佳 分类:高等教育资料 价格:150积分 属性:54 页 大小:461.18KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-20


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