
3.0 牛悦 2025-01-09 4 4 3.14MB 70 页 15积分
疗是高肺癌病人存率的关键基于 CT 图像肺结节计算机助检
Computer Aided Detection, CAD技术可以大大提高肺癌的诊断准确率与工作效
CT 图像是肺癌诊断和治疗的重要依据,它使医生对肺内病变部位的观察更直
模糊性CT 图像在获取过程中由于肺部解剖结构的复杂性、形状的不规则性
因此,将模糊数学方法应用于肺部 CT 图像处理有其内在的合理性和必然性。
(1) 本文对近年来基于模糊数学的医学图像处理与分析方法进行了综述。介绍
(2) 本文对模糊增强非实质性肺结节进行了实验研究。非实质性肺结节因密度
础上,尝试了经典的 Pal-King 模糊图像增强算法及其自适应选取、改进单层次
(3) 本文对基于模糊聚类的亚实质性肺结节分割进行了研究肺结节的精确分
是基于 CT 图像的肺结节计算机辅助检测的关键步骤针对肺 CT 图像所具有的
模糊性质及亚实质性肺结节的特点,通过对模糊 C均值聚类FCM及其改进算
三维分割方法本文分别采用 18 临床数据和 36 LIDC 标准数据对所提出的分
分别为 71.65%76.18%假阳性率及假阴性率均低于 17%实验结果表明,
较于 FCMKFCM WKFCMIWKFCM 能够获得更准确的分割结果,并且分割
效果同时优于目前文献报道的其他非模糊数学方法。本文方法为 CAD 系统提供了
本论文所研究内容为基于 CT 图像的肺结节计算机辅助检测系统后续对肺
关键词:计算机辅助检测 肺结节 糊数学 模糊增强 改进的加
模糊聚类 三维分割
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among people nowadays.
Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) for pulmonary nodules on CT images can help
radiologist find pulmonary nodules efficiently and decrease the rate of missed diagnosis,
which provides a significant way for lung cancer diagnosis in early stage.
CT image is an important basis in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. It makes
the doctor to observe the lung tissues more direct and clear, then to improve accuracy
rate in diagnosis. So CT images have very important value in clinical application.
Generally, images suffer information loss when the three dimensions target is projected
on the two dimensions image plane. There is some confusion in defining boundary,
region and texture of image, bringing fuzzy character when explaining the result of the
low level image processing. All in all images are fuzzy by nature, so does the lung CT
image. Fuzzy mathematics is a branch of mathematics subjects which studies the fuzzy
phenomena and their concepts, now is used in wide areas. Therefore the applications of
fuzzy mathematics methods in medical image processing and analysis are rational and
Based on consulting much previous research studies, this paper has finished some
work as following:
(1) A detailed review about the fuzzy mathematics methods in medical image
processing and analysis during the past few years is done in this paper. The applications
of fuzzy sets, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy inference, fuzzy connectedness and fuzzy
computing intelligence method in medical image processing and analysis are introduced,
with discussions of these different methods on their principles, merit and demerit,
characteristics and existing problems. Researches show that fuzzy mathematics has
already made a large amount of fruitful applications results in the area of medical image
processing. As a young subject, it still has shown a huge potential in the application of
medical image processing and analysis. With the further development of computer
technology and the continuous emergence of advanced technology, medical image
processing and analysis based on fuzzy mathematics will become mature and perfect.
(2) An experimental investigation of fuzzy enhancement algorithms for non-solid
pulmonary nodules is performed in this paper. For the detection of the non-solid
pulmonary nodules with irregular shape, blurry edge and low contrast to lung
parenchyma is more difficult, the image enhancement for non-solid pulmonary is
necessary in CAD systems. Based on consulting a lot of related references, we attempt
the classic Pal-King fuzzy enhancement algorithm and several kinds of improved
algorithms. Finally an applicative method for the enhancement of non-solid pulmonary
nodules is proposed. Practices prove that our proposed method can efficiently enhance
the non-solid pulmonary nodules’ contrast to lung parenchyma and decrease the
disturbance of blood vessels at the same time.
(3) Segmentation is a key step in CAD systems, for its accuracy directly affects the
following steps of CAD system. According to the characteristics of sub-solid pulmonary
nodules in lung CT images, through attempting fuzzy c-means (FCM), its improved
algorithms kernel fuzzy c-means (KFCM) and weight kernel fuzzy c-means (WKFCM),
a novel weighed kernel fuzzy c-means (IWKFCM) method considering information
about vessels structure and classes’ distribution as weights is proposed in this paper. The
method is tested on both clinical data and standard LIDC datasets including 18 clinical
nodules and 36 LIDC nodules. Overlaps of two datasets are 71.65% and 76.18%
respectively, both with low FPR and FNR less than 17%. Experimental results show that
the proposed method can get more accurate result than FCM, KFCM and WKFCM, and
also is superior to other methods published in recent reports and literature.
Our research work in this paper can provide a consultative reference to the further
step of feature extraction and classification for pulmonary nodules in CAD systems.
Key WordsComputer-Aided Detection Pulmonary nodule, Fuzzy
mathematics Fuzzy enhancement Improved weighed kernel fuzzy
c-means3D segmentation
第一章 .................................................................................................................. 1
§1.1 问题描述 ........................................................................................................... 1
§1.2 本文主要研究内容 ........................................................................................... 3
§1.3 本文结构 ........................................................................................................... 4
第二章 模糊数学医学图像处理与分析方法 ................................................................ 5
§2.1 模糊数学理论基础 ........................................................................................... 5
§2.2 医学图像处理与分析概述 ............................................................................... 6
§2.3 基于模糊数学的医学图像处理与分析 ........................................................... 8
§2.3.1 Pal-King 算法 .......................................................................................... 9
§2.3.2 模糊聚类 ............................................................................................... 10
§2.3.3 模糊推理 ................................................................................................11
§2.3.4 模糊连接度 ........................................................................................... 12
§2.3.5 模糊计算智能 ....................................................................................... 14
§2.3.6 其他模糊数学方法 ............................................................................... 18
§2.4 小结 ................................................................................................................. 19
第三章 基于模糊数学的非实质肺结节增强研究 ...................................................... 20
§3.1 引言 ................................................................................................................. 20
§3.2 传统图像增强方法 ......................................................................................... 22
§3.3 经典的 Pal-King 模糊图像增强算法 ............................................................. 23
§3.4 Pal-King 算法的发展与改进 .......................................................................... 25
§3.4.1 基于自适应阈值选取的模糊增强算法 ............................................... 25
§3.4.2 改进的单层次模糊增强算法 ............................................................... 26
§3.4.3 基于模糊对比度的图像增强方法 ....................................................... 27
§3.5 改进的适用于非实质肺结节的模糊增强算法 ............................................. 28
§3.6 实验结果与分析 ............................................................................................. 30
§3.7 小结 ................................................................................................................. 31
第四章 基于改进的加权核模糊聚类亚实质肺结节三维分割研究 .......................... 33
§4.1 引言 ................................................................................................................. 33
§4.2 传统图像分割方法 ......................................................................................... 35
§4.3 模糊聚类算法 ................................................................................................. 36
§4.3.1 经典模糊 C均值(FCM)聚类................................................................ 37
§4.3.2 模糊 C均值聚类的改进....................................................................... 38
§4.4 改进的基于血管及类别结构加权的核模糊聚类算法 ................................. 39
§4.4.1 核模糊 C均值(KFCM)聚类................................................................. 39
§4.4.2 基于血管及类别结构加权的核模糊聚类(IWKFCM)算法 ................ 41
§4.5 基于改进的加权核模糊聚类亚实质肺结节三维分割 ................................. 43
§4.5.1 ROI 选取 ............................................................................................... 43
§4.5.2 加权核模糊聚类 ................................................................................... 43
§4.5.3 三维连通域标记及形态学后处理 ....................................................... 44
§4.6 实验结果与分析 ............................................................................................. 44
§4.6.1 临床数据实验 ....................................................................................... 45
§4.6.2 LIDC 标准数据集实验 ......................................................................... 50
§4.6.3 实验结果对比 ....................................................................................... 55
§4.7 小结 ................................................................................................................. 55
第五章 总结与展望 ...................................................................................................... 57
§5.1 总结 ................................................................................................................. 57
§5.2 展望 ................................................................................................................. 57
参考文献 ........................................................................................................................ 59
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ............................................ 65
.............................................................................................................................. 66


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:70 页 大小:3.14MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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