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视野以及作业空间三大部分的优化设计,并应用 AHP 层次分析方法建立了对驾驶
次,研究分析了 SAE 所推荐的确定 B型车 H点的适宜线法的适用条件和不足,完
成了以中国人体尺寸为约束的 H点优化域,进而完成对岸桥驾驶室座椅的布置。
最后,依据 AHP 层次分析法的原理和步骤,对驾驶室优化设计结果进行综合
评价的标准,采用 ECExpert Choice)软件对驾驶室优化设计前后进行了对比。
关键词:驾驶室 岸边集装箱起重机 人因工程 优化设计 评价
Quayside container crane (hereinafter referred to as "QC crane") is an equipment
applied to load and unload cranes between container ships and terminal quay
containers, which plays an important role for improving terminal operation efficiency.
As one of important component of QC cranes, Correct and reasonable design of cab
is directly impacted cab drivers’ physical and mental health, manipulation and seat
comfortableness and reduced labor intensity. Therefore, it is necessary to study and
discusse how to design a health, safety, high efficiency and comfortable Quayside
container crane cab.
In this study, the requirement of ergonomics concept in the design of QC crane
cab was analyzed. Based on application of ergonomics theoretical achievements in
this special man-machine system design, seats, vison and work space were optimized
and the comprehensive evaluation model of the cab design was established by AHP
hierarchical analysis method.
For seat optimization, according to ergonomics theories and principles related to
sitting posture and chair design, and combined plenty of domestic and foreign seat
research achievements and relevant national or industrial standards, a seat front
obliquity inclined forward seat was put forward after analyzed relationships between
the seat design parameters and human body size. Instead of backward seat, forward
seat can comply with the drivers work posture and guarantee the reasonable
man-machine performance. Then, the application conditions and insufficiencies of H
point appropriate line method of type B car recommended by SAE was analyzed, and
H point optimiztion area constraints of Chinese body size was calculated.
For view optimization, eyellipse theories, widely applied in automobile cab
design, were introduced in the paper. By analysed the method of drivers eyellipse
location and characteres of one’s view, crane cab’s vertical vison were determined.
For work space optimization, linkage control panels, hand controllers and foot
controllers, which were directly impacted drivers comfortable, were detailed
designed from installation position, shape, size and other aspects, on the basis of
analysis work scope of the horizontal and vertical space that human body can touch
and demand area of vision.
Finally, according to ergonomics theory, related factors and standards of the
evaluation were put forward and the evaluation model of the cab optimized results
was established based on the mentod of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Then, the
results of optimize before and after were compared by the expert choice software.
By introduced ergonomics theories and methods into the crane cab design, this
subject further improved the domestic crane cabs human-machine design theory and
provided theory reference, design reference and data reference. It will be positively
significance in reducing development costs and cycle and improving the added values
of the crane and the similar products.
Key Word: Cab, Quayside container crane, Ergonomics, Optimization
design, Evaluation
第一章 绪论 ...................................................... 1
§1.1 岸边集装箱起重机的相关介绍 ................................ 1
§1.1.1 岸边集装箱起重机的发展状况 ............................. 1
§1.1.2 岸边集装箱起重机的基本结构 ............................. 1
§1.2 课题的研究目的和意义 ...................................... 2
§1.2.1 课题研究背景 ........................................... 2
§1.2.2 研究目的和意义 ......................................... 3
§1.3 人因工程在国内外岸桥驾驶室中的研究及应用现状 .............. 4
§1.3.1 国外岸桥驾驶室人因工程学研究现状 ....................... 4
§1.3.2 国内岸桥驾驶室人因工程学研究现状 ....................... 5
§1.4 本论文的研究内容 .......................................... 6
第二章 人因工程学相关原理 ........................................ 7
§2.1 人因工程学介绍 ............................................ 7
§2.1.1 人因工程学的发展 ....................................... 7
§2.1.2 人因工程学的应用 ....................................... 7
§2.2 人体的测量与测量数据的应用 ................................ 8
§2.2.1 人体的测量 ............................................. 8
§2.2.2 人体测量数据的应用 .................................... 10
§2.3 姿势舒适性研究 ........................................... 10
§2.3.1 姿势舒适性的定义 ...................................... 10
§2.3.2 汽车驾驶姿势舒适性研究 ................................ 10
§2.3.3 岸桥驾驶室舒适性研究 .................................. 11
§2.4 本章小结 ................................................. 12
第三章 岸桥驾驶室系统的整体分析 ................................. 13
§3.1 岸桥的驾驶室内部布局及作业流程分析 ....................... 13
§3.1.1 岸桥驾驶室的内部布局分析 .............................. 13
§3.1.2 岸边集装箱起重机的作业流程分析 ........................ 13
§3.2 建立岸桥驾驶员作业下的人体模型 ........................... 15
§3.2.1 人体模型概述 .......................................... 15
§3.2.2 人体模型的建立 ........................................ 18
§3.3 岸桥驾驶员坐姿的舒适性分析 ............................... 20
§3.3.1 岸桥驾驶员的作业姿势及对人体的影响分析 ................ 20
§3.3.2 岸桥驾驶室的坐姿舒适性的内容 .......................... 22
§3.3.3 岸桥驾驶员舒适坐姿的影响因素 .......................... 22
§3.3.4 岸桥驾驶员舒适坐姿的关节角度范围 ...................... 23
§3.4 本章小结 ................................................. 24
第四章 岸桥驾驶室座椅的改进设计研究 ............................. 25
§4.1 驾驶员座椅设计的主要人因学依据 ........................... 25
§4.1.1 保证脊椎和腰曲弧线的正常生理弯曲 ...................... 25
§4.1.2 保证合理体压分布及股骨受力原理 ........................ 26
§4.1.3 座椅设计与人体结构的关系 .............................. 28
§4.2 座椅结构尺寸的设计 ....................................... 29
§4.2.1 各类工作椅简介 ........................................ 29
§4.2.2 座椅设计的基本原则 .................................... 30
§4.2.3 座椅静态尺寸参数的确定 ................................ 31
§4.3 座椅舒适性的位置确定 ..................................... 33
§4.3.1 H 点的确定方法 ........................................ 33
§4.3.2 最佳 H点位置分析 ...................................... 35
§4.3.3 座椅水平调节量的计算 .................................. 38
§4.4 本章小结 ................................................. 38
第五章 岸桥驾驶室视野设计 ....................................... 39
§5.1 视野设计概述 ............................................. 39
§5.2 眼椭圆 ................................................... 40
§5.2.1 眼椭圆的概念 .......................................... 40
§5.2.2 眼椭圆的数学描述 ...................................... 41
§5.3 岸桥驾驶室驾驶员的视野性能研究 ........................... 42
§5.3.1 岸桥驾驶室的视野设计要求 .............................. 42
§5.3.2 眼椭圆中心在驾驶室中的定位 ............................ 43
§5.3.3 驾驶室前方视野的校核 .................................. 44
§5.4 本章小结 ................................................. 47
第六章 岸桥驾驶室作业空间设计 ................................... 48
§6.1 岸桥驾驶室作业空间设计概述 ............................... 48
§6.1.1 作业空间设计的人因工程学原则 .......................... 48
§6.1.2 驾驶室坐姿作业空间范围 ................................ 48
§6.1.3 坐姿下的舒适区域 ...................................... 50
§6.2 操控装置的设计研究 ....................................... 51
§6.2.1 控制器的选择原则 ...................................... 51
§6.2.2 联动台上操作部件的功能分析 ............................ 52
§6.2.3 手动控制器的选择和优化 ................................ 54
§6.2.4 显示装置功能分析 ...................................... 54
§6.3 操控装置的人机设计 ....................................... 55
§6.3.1 按钮的尺寸设计 ........................................ 55
§6.3.2 旋钮的尺寸设计 ........................................ 56
§6.3.3 主令手柄的尺寸设计 .................................... 57
§6.3.4 控制器之间的间距设计 .................................. 58
§6.4 联动台的可用性设计 ....................................... 59
§6.4.1 联动台的可用性设计概述 ................................ 59
§6.4.2 联动台的可用性设计原则 ................................ 60
§6.4.3 现有联动台的可用性问题分析 ............................ 60
§6.4.4 联动台安装位置优化 .................................... 61
§6.4.5 联动台的倾角 .......................................... 62
§6.4.6 联动台台面的布局 ...................................... 63
§6.5 脚踏板的设计 ............................................. 64
§6.5.1 脚踏板结构形式的选择 .................................. 64
§6.5.2 确定脚踏板的倾角 ...................................... 64
§6.5.3 脚踏板的布置 .......................................... 65
§6.6 本章小结 ................................................. 66
第七章 基于 AHP 的岸桥驾驶室的综合评价 ........................... 67
§7.1 岸桥驾驶室评价的主要因素 ................................. 67
§7.1.1 座椅评价因素 .......................................... 67
§7.1.2 操纵评价因素 .......................................... 67
§7.1.3 显示评价因素 .......................................... 67
§7.1.4 联动台箱体评价因素 .................................... 67
§7.2 综合评判模型的选择与构建 ................................. 68
§7.2.1 AHP 模型的原理与选择 .................................. 68
§7.2.2 AHP 模型的步骤 ........................................ 68


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:99 页 大小:4.88MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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