
3.0 侯斌 2025-01-09 6 4 3.38MB 109 页 15积分
研究显示全世界每年有 10 万人因室内空气污染死于哮喘,其中 35%为儿童。
检测研究成果之一。课题组在问卷阶段共回收 15266 1-8 岁儿童家长报告的关于
室内环境与健康的有效问卷数据;检测阶段共采集问卷中 454 户住宅 7项室内环
境检测参数,其中 410 户住宅有儿童卧室的甲醛浓度有效数据。论文基于常用统
计分析软件 SPSS17.0使用频率分析、交叉表和比较均值等方法,采用不同组别,
使用 Logistic 回归对住所建筑特性与儿童哮喘类疾病的相关性、住所建筑特性与儿
1)从问卷数据中得到上海市 1-8 岁儿童的基本信息与住所特性现状:男女比例
经)干咳(过去 12 个月)患病率依次为 10.2%19.3%7.6%28.0%40.3%
1991-2000 年建造;儿童住所房屋面积主要为 76-150m2
单层玻璃窗户;66.0%住所的地板材料为实木,其次 15.8%为强化木;50%
所的墙壁材料为乳胶漆。上海地区在其母亲妊娠和儿童 0-1 岁期间,家庭进行房屋
装修和 家 具置 办 的 比例 明 显 低于 其他 时 期 。 儿童卧室内甲醛日平均浓度为
21.5μg/m3,儿童在其卧室内平均暴露量为 0.290mg·h/m3,潜在剂量为 0.116mg
其中有 3个住宅的甲醛日均浓度超过标准 80μg/m3
2对不同住所特性下儿童卧室甲醛日均浓度分析发现:与非工业郊区16.7 ±
10.3μg/m3相比,工业郊区的日平均浓度(23.9 ±11.8μg/m3和市区的日平均浓
度(22.4±13.9μg/m3)明显更高。单户住宅与多层公寓住宅占总样本数的 99.2%
其甲醛日均浓度分别为:22.4 ±10.0μg/m321.5 ±13.7μg/m3住所地板材料使用
较多为实木和强化木,其甲醛浓度日均值分别为 20.7 ±12.3μg/m324.1 ±
15.8μg/m3;住所墙面材料用得最多为乳胶漆,其甲醛浓度日均值为 22.0 ±
诊断的哮喘患病率明显高于郊区儿童11.6% vs. 8.3%)。 经过相关因素调整,居住
醛浓度日均值大于 20μg/m3的危险性更高,OR 值为 2.2295%CI1.21-3.77p
值为 0.003同样,工业郊区相比于非工业郊区的 OR 值为 3.9495%CI2.09-7.41
p值为 0.003与建筑建造年代较久远的住宅相比,建造年代较近的住宅室内甲醛
5)对住所内甲醛浓度与儿童哮喘类症状的相关性进行分析:与儿童卧室内 24h
最高甲醛浓度时均值<60 μg/m3的住宅相比,住在时均值60μg/m3住宅中的儿童
罹患哮喘(OR2.1095%CI1.04-4.26p值为 0.039)和出现哮鸣症状(OR
2.1395%CI1.02-4.43p值为 0.043)的风险明显更高,但出现干咳和哮吼症状
的风险无明显差异。将甲醛浓度按计算时间不同分为三个时段:24 小时、儿童活
关键词:住所特性 甲醛浓 儿童哮喘 现状 联性
Studies show that 100000 people around the world die of asthma aredue to indoor
air pollution every year, 35% of whom are children. Chemical pollutionin indoor airis
mainly caused by widely use of artificial decoration materials and ornament. Among all
kinds of indoor air pollutants, formaldehyde, which is listed as one of the most common
pollutants, is characterized by wide sources, high toxicity, and long duration of pollution.
In this thesis, I used data from a large-scale cross-sectional survey and from on-site
measurement of indoor formaldehyde in the typical residences, deeply investigated the
associations of residential characteristics andindoor concentration of formaldehyde with
childhood asthma and its related symptoms.
This thesis is a part of results from the China, Children, Homes, Health(CCHH)
study in Shanghai. We collected a total of 15266 valid questionnaireon indoor
environment and family lifestyles and the asthma and allergy among 1-8 year-olds
preschool children, and on-site inspected a total of 454 residences with seven
environmental parameters. Herein 410 residences had valid data of formaldehyde. In
this thesis, frequency distribution,Crosstab method, and Mean comparison were used to
analyze the situation of residential characteristics, indoor formaldehyde concentration in
the childs room, and childhood asthma and its related symptoms.Logistic regression
analysis wasapplied to explore the associations among residential characteristics, indoor
formaldehyde concentration in the child’s room, and childhood asthma and its related
The main research contents and research results are as follows:
(1) According to the questionnaire data:the proportion of boys and girls in the surveyed
childrenis 50.9% and 49.1%.The prevalenceof doctor-diagnosed asthma (ever),
wheeze(ever), croup (ever), and dry cough (in the past 12 months) is 10.2%, 19.3%,
7.6%, and 28.0%, respectively. A total of 40.3% of the children's residence is near the
main traffic roador highway; The main (32.6%) construction year of the surveyed
residencesis from 1991 to 2000; the building area of the surveyed residences mainly
(25.3%) is 76-150 m2; Most (66.0%) of families used solid wood as flooring, followed
by densified wood (15.8%) ; most (50%) of families used emulsion paint as wall
covering; the proportions of families with house decoration and furniture purchase
during pregnancy orwhenthe childrenwere 0-1 year-old were substantially lower than
during other durations. According to the on-site measured data, the daily average
concentration of formaldehyde in all inspected residence was 21.5μg/m3; the averaged
exposure levels is 0.290 mg·h/m3 for children, and potential exposure dose of 0.116mg.
Herein the average concentration of formaldehyde in three residences was higher than
the standard 80μg/m3.
(2)For the average concentration of formaldehyde under different residential
characteristics: compared to the inspected residences in the non-industrial suburb (16.7
±10.3μg/m3), the inspected residences in the industrial suburb (23.9 ±11.8 μg/m3) and
in the urban areas (22.4±13.9 μg/m3) are significantly higher (p-value in the t test is
<0.001 and <0.001, respectively). The daily average concentration of formaldehyde in
onefamily dwelling is higher (22.4±10.0μg/m3) than Multi-family dwellings (21.5 ±
13.7μg/m3); the daily average concentration of the residence with densified wood and
solid wood (24.1±15.8μg/m3or 20.7 ±12.3μg/m3)or withemulsion paint (22.0±
13.8μg/m3) is higher than other residences.
(3)For associations of the residential characteristics and childhood asthma and related
symptoms: children in urban areahad significantly higher prevalence of
doctor-diagnosed asthma than children in suburban areas (prevalence: 11.6% vs 8.3%).
Living near the main traffic road or highways is a risk factor for childhoodwheeze.
Compared to use of other materials, use of solid wood or densified woods
floor-coveringcould significantly increase the risk of doctor-diagnosed asthma and dry
cough. After adjusted the family history of asthma and allergies, home dampness-related
indicators, and the ownership of the residence,most of the significant associations were
(4)For associationsof residence characteristicswith indoorformaldehyde: compared to
inthe non-industrial suburb, residence in the urban areahad higher risk in having the
more than 20μg/m3 indoor formaldehyde (OR:2.22, 95%CI:1.21-3.77; p = 0.003); and
residence in the industrial suburb also had higher risk in having the more than 20μg/m3
indoor formaldehyde (OR: 3.94, 95%CI:2.09-7.41;p = 0.003).Compared to those
residences with shorter history, residences with longer historyhada greater risk of high
formaldehyde concentration.
(5)For associations of the averaged concentration of formaldehyde and childhood
asthma and related symptoms:Compared to children living in the residences where
thechild’s bedroomhadthe highest hour-averaged concentration<60 μg/m3during 24
hours, children living in the residenceswhere the child’s bedroom had the highest
hour-averaged concentration 60 μg/m3 had significantly higher risk in getting
doctor-diagnosed asthma (OR: 2.10, 95%CI:1.04-4.26; p= 0.039) and wheeze (OR: 2.13,
95%CI:1.02-4.43; p= 0.043), but had no significant difference in the risk of getting
croup and dry cough.
This thesis analyzed situations of residential characteristics, indoor concentration
of formaldehyde in the child’s bedroom, and childhood asthma and related symptoms,
and further investigated their associations.The results could raise people's concern and
attention inindoor formaldehyde, provided reference for parents to improvement the
indoor air quality on basis of the residential characteristics, therefore reducedthe risk of
childhood asthma and related symptoms as associated with indoor exposure of
formaldehyde, and also provided foundation for future studies.
Key Word: Residential characteristics, Formaldehyde, Childhood
asthma, Current situation, Association
第一章 ........................................................ 1
1.1 课题来源及意义 ............................................... 1
1.1.1 CCHH 课题介绍 .......................................... 1
1.1.2 室内环境污染危害概况 .................................. 1
1.1.3 国内外关于室内环境对人体健康的影响研究现状 ............ 2
1.1.4 课题研究意义 .......................................... 3
1.2 国内外甲醛对健康影响的研究现状 ............................... 3
1.2.1 甲醛及其危害特性 ...................................... 3
1.2.2 住所内甲醛的来源 ...................................... 4
1.2.3 国内外甲醛对健康影响的研究现状 ........................ 5
1.3 本课主要研究内容 ............................................. 7
1.3.1 课题总体研究思路 ...................................... 7
1.3.2 课题主要研究内容 ...................................... 7
第二章 问卷调查与入室检测的研究方法 ................................. 9
2.1 问卷调查 ..................................................... 9
2.1.1 问卷内容 .............................................. 9
2.1.2 问卷发放回收情况 ...................................... 9
2.1.3 数据录入及审核 ....................................... 13
2.2 入室检测 .................................................... 13
2.2.1 检测样本选择 ......................................... 13
2.2.2 入室检测项目及方法 ................................... 14
2.2.3 甲醛实测方法 ......................................... 18
2.2.4 入室检测阶段问卷介绍 ................................. 21
2.3 论文研究方法 ................................................ 22
2.3.1 SPSS 软件介绍 ........................................ 22
2.3.2 论文中涉及相关性分析方法 ............................. 22
2.4 综合问卷与检测的儿童病例-对照分组方法 ....................... 25
第三章 上海地区住所特性、甲醛浓度、儿童哮喘类疾病现状分析 .......... 27
3.1 问卷期和检测期基础数据描述 .................................. 27
3.1.1 问卷期室内环境与儿童健康调查数据构成 ................. 27


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:109 页 大小:3.38MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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