基于缩尺模型的大空间下送风室内热环境及对流热转移负荷研究 pdf

3.0 侯斌 2025-01-09 4 4 4.7MB 85 页 15积分
回分层空调对流热转移负荷计算方法,并 针对缩尺模型对象,用模型实验结果进行
的设计需要以阿基米德数 Ar 为主要准则数,同时应在条件允许的情况下尽量在 Re
自模区内接近原型的雷诺数 ReRe 数越接近原型,模型实验室内热环境越接近原
型室内热环境。只考虑 Ar 数和仅要求 Re 数在自模区的方法会造成较大偏差。在
假定屋顶热量占室内总负荷 45%时,模型空调区的室内热环境与原型接近程度
于非空调区的接近程度。在假定屋顶热量占室内总负荷的 75%时,模型非空调区
空调区垂直温度平均值之间的误差在 8%以内,非空调区特征温度与实测非空调区
垂直温度平均值之间的误差也在 8%以内。对流热转移负荷计算值与实验值之间的
误差大部分在 15%内,认为其可以用于计算大空间下送中回分层空调缩尺模型
关键词:大空 分层空 下送中回 缩尺模型 环境 对流
With the progress of national economics and architectural technology, Chinese
residents have developed higher taste for material and culture, thus leading to a larger
number of large space buildings such as factories and shopping malls with a wider range
of styles. Due to the specialty of the geometry, it is economical to equip large space
buildings with stratified air conditioning systems.
The air distribution, thermal environment and the space cooling load are the three
most important issues in the research field of stratified air conditioning systems. Among
the three issues, air distribution and thermal environment have distinct influence on the
comfort of people, and have caught the attention of many researchers at home and aboard.
On the other hand, the space cooling load of large space building is key to equipment
selection and building energy saving. Because most large space buildings in China are
equipped with nozzles to supply air, and the calculation methods of space load are targeted
for this kind of stratified air conditioning system. When it comes to the stratified air
conditioning system with low-sidewall air supply and middle air return, the space load
calculation method is lack of attention, and wider and deeper research is long overdue.
The space cooling load is strongly associated with the thermal environment of large space
building, but there is still absence of the combination of the two aspects in existent
researches. This paper studies the thermal environment and the convective heat transfer
of the stratified air conditioning system with low-sidewall air supply and middle air return
in both theoretical and experimental aspects.
This paper took the similarity theory as guide, designed and built a reduced-scale
model based on the large space experimental site in University of Shanghai for Science
and Technology. The thermal environment contrast experiments between the model and
the prototype have been conducted in the model. The thermal environment and convective
heat transfer experiments have also been conducted. Based on the results of the contrast
experiments, the coincidence between the model and the prototype have been analyzed,
and the influence of the scale ratios are explored. The suggestions of the model
experiment design have been proposed based on the analysis. The characteristics of the
thermal environment of the stratified air conditioning system with low-sidewall air supply
and middle air return are analyzed based on the thermal environment experiment results.
A convective heat transfer calculation method has been built on the thermal equilibrium
of the air conditioned zone and non-air-conditioned zone, and the air return volume ratio
calculation method which was explored by another researcher in the research group
previously. The calculation method is validated by the experiments conducted in the
model. Using the calculation method, this paper has also probed into the characteristics
of the convective heat transfer of the stratified air conditioning system with low-sidewall
air supply and middle air return.
With theoretical and experimental research, some conclusions have been achieved.
First, Ar number should be regarded as the dominant principle number when designing
the model experiment for large space building with low-sidewall air supply and middle
air return, and Re number of the model experiment should be as close to the prototype
experiment as possible when it is in the self-similarity zone. The less the difference of the
Re number, the better coincidence of the thermal environment. When Ar numbers are
made the same in model and the prototype, and the Re numbers are only kept in self-
similarity zone, the thermal environment of the model will deviate from the prototype to
some extent. Second, when the heat volume of the roof accounts for 45% of the total heat
volume of the room, the thermal environment of air-conditioned zone in the model is
closer to the prototype than that in the non-air-conditioned zone. While when the heat
volume of the roof accounts for 75% of the total heat volume of the room, the vertical
temperature distribution is closer to the prototype. Third, the thermal environment of the
stratified air conditioned room can be divided into three parts vertically, namely air supply
zone, air return zone and heat stagnant zone. Under different experiment conditions, the
dimensionless temperature gradient varies in a small range in the air return zone, while it
varies in a larger range in the air supply zone, in the largest range in the heat stagnant
zone. Forth, the space cooling load calculation method proposed in the handbook is not
suitable for the stratified air conditioned room with low-sidewall air supply and middle
air return, and the method proposed in this paper which based on the zonal heat
equilibrium and air return volume ratio can be used to calculate the temperatures of the
air-conditioned zone, non-air-conditioned zone, and the convective heat transfer in this
kind of building. The calculated temperature of the air-conditioned zone has a deviation
less than 8% to the experimental vertical temperature average value, the temperature
deviation of the non-air-conditioned zone is less than 8% as well. The calculated
convective heat transfer has a deviation less than 15% to the experimental data in most
experimental conditions, thus the method is regarded suitable for the reduced-scale model
of the large space building with this kind of stratified air conditioning system. Fifth, the
thermal environment, space cooling load, convective heat transfer are subjected to the
supply air parameters and the outdoor climate parameters. When the outdoor climate
parameters are identified, thermal environment can be controlled as expected according
to the pattern described in the paper.
Key Word: large space, stratified air conditioning system, low-sidewall
air supply and middle air return, reduced-scale model,
thermal environment, convective heat transfer
............................................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... III
第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 ................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 模型实验在室内热环境中的应用 ................................................................. 2
1.2.2 置换通风及下送风室内热环境研究 ............................................................. 4
1.2.3 大空间建筑分层空调负荷计算研究 ............................................................. 6
1.3 本文主要研究内容 ................................................................................................ 8
第二章 热环境缩尺模型实验台简介及缩尺比例确定 .............................................. 10
2.1 相似原理在下送中回分层空调室内热环境中的应用 ..................................... 10
2.1.1 相似原理的演绎过程及其应用 ................................................................... 10
2.1.2 大空间下送中回缩尺模型对流传热微分方程及相似准则数的推导 ....... 11
2.1.3 下送中回分层空调房间缩尺模型各比例尺的确定方法 ........................... 15
2.2 缩尺模型实验台缩尺比例设计计算 ................................................................. 16
2.2.1 大空间实验基地简介 ................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 缩尺模型实验台各比例尺关联及其计算 ................................................... 17
2.3 实验台测试系统概况及仪器标定 ..................................................................... 20
2.3.1 实验台测试系统概况 ................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 温度传感器标定 ........................................................................................... 23
第三章 缩尺模型下送中回室内热环境实验研究 ...................................................... 25
3.1 实验方案 ............................................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 实验测点布置 ............................................................................................... 25
3.1.2 缩尺模型实验工况设计 ............................................................................... 30
3.2 预实验及其结果分析 ......................................................................................... 35
3.2.1 壁面温度及热流密度代表测点的预实验研究 ........................................... 35
3.2.2 实验室风量与热量平衡预实验 ................................................................... 38
3.3 原型与模型热环境对比实验 ............................................................................. 39
3.3.1 室内垂直温度对比分析 ............................................................................... 39
3.3.2 下送中回缩尺模型实验缺陷分析 ............................................................... 44
基于缩尺模型的大空间下送风室内热环境及对流热转移负荷研究 pdf.pdf


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:85 页 大小:4.7MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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