
3.0 侯斌 2025-01-09 4 4 2.8MB 104 页 15积分
稻草灰含有丰富的有机质,含有 KCaP等无机营养元素,它还是亲水物
用吸附极性水分子,提高土壤的持水能力。而且我国秸秆年产量达 6亿多吨,
对于上海滨海盐土:稻草灰在灰土体积比为 30%时,塑限增长32.2%液限
增长了 23.6%而塑性指数增长了 10.7%藻土在灰土比30%时,对液限和
掺加剂的影响效果可知体积比为 30%时,稻草灰对于滨海盐土的液限效果最好
对于上海潮土:稻草灰在土体积比为 20%时,液限和塑性指数最大液限
增长了 51.9%而塑性指数增长167.3%土体积比为 30%时,限增长了 1.3%
硅藻土在灰土比为 30%时,对塑限、液限和塑性指数的影响效果最,塑限增长
1.3%液限增长了 15.5%,塑性指数增长44.4%比较两种掺加剂的影响
对于上海黄泥盐化土:稻草灰在灰土体积比为 30%时,对液限和塑性指数的
影响效果最好,液限增长了 17.6%,而塑性指数增长21.3%,体积比为 20%时,
液限增长4.8%而塑性指数增长了 4.2%,灰土体积比20%时,塑限增长
关键词:稻草灰 硅藻土 塑限 液限 塑性指数 最大干密度 最佳含水
The studies which improve the soil's water holding capacity are many at home and
abroad. But the studies considered soil water holding capacity from the perspective of
soil science. In geotechnical engineering, the experts are never considered soil physical
performance parameters for using outside of the field of civil engineering. This paper
try according to soil water aggregate stability content and consistency indicator and
compaction performance indicator in geotechnical engineering, then to research and
discuss the impact on physical parameters of the soil when the straw ash and diatomite
as modifier. These factors improve soil water holding capacity and prevent soil
compaction, increase soil porosity combine the rock knowledge with soil engineering.
And it provides a new way of thinking and methods to improve agricultural soils.
Straw ash contains not only rich organic matter, but also it contains K, Ca, P and
other inorganic nutrients, it is hydrophilic substance. And its surface has a huge surface
energy and electric charge. On the dust colloid surface passing hydrogen to adsorb
bonding polar water molecules to increase soil water holding capacity, and the straw
production is more than 600 million tons in our country. Produced by burning straw
after straw ash gray to provide protection for large-scale application. The diatomite has
a neutral PH value, good non-toxic, suspension performance, strong adsorption
properties, light weight, fineness uniform mixing uniformity, can play in the soil
moisture, loose soil, fertilizer extend the efficacy period, the effect of contributing to the
growth of crops and so on. It will be a good mix of loose soil and soil water holding
capacity. In addition, the amount of diatomite ranks second in the world, so it provide
protection for large-scale applications.
Therefore, to choose straw ash and diatomite as a modifier for Shanghai coastal
saline soil, Chao Soil and salinization soil. doing Wet Sieve Test, Liquid - Plastic
Combined Test and Compaction Test. To study its effect on soil liquid limit, plastic limit,
plasticity index, maximum dry density and optimum water content. At the same time,
comparing the different effect on straw ash with diatomite earth. The main findings are
as follows:
(1) The impact of plastic limits, liquid limit and plasticity index
For Shanghai coastal saline soil, when dust volume ratio of straw ash is 30%, the
plasticity increased by 32.2%,the liquid limit increased by 23.6%,while the plasticity
index increased by 10.7%; when dust volume ratio of diatomite is 30%, the effect of
both the liquid limit and the plasticity index were the best. the liquid limit increased by
10.3%,while the plasticity index increased by 33.4%; It can be known the effect of
admixture. when dust volume ratio is 30%, the liquid limit effect of straw ash to coastal
saline is the best. While the plasticity index of diatomite was the best.
For Shanghai Chao Soil, when dust volume ratio of straw ash is 20%, the liquid
and the plasticity index are the best. the liquid limit increased by 51.9%,while the
plasticity index increased by 167.3%, when dust volume ratio is 30%, the plasticity
limit increased by 1.3%,when dust volume ratio of diatomite is 30%, the effect of both
the liquid limit and the plasticity index were the best. the liquid limit increased by 1.3%,
the plasticity limit increased by 15.5%, the plasticity index increased by 44.4%; It can
be known from the effect of admixture. when dust volume ratio is 20%, the liquid limit
and plasticity index effect of straw ash were the best.
For salinization soil, when dust volume ratio of straw ash is 30%, the liquid and the
plasticity index are the best. the liquid limit increased by 17.6%,while the plasticity
index increased by 21.3%,when dust volume ratio is 20%, the plasticity limit increased
by 18.9%; when dust volume ratio of diatomite is 30%, the effect of both the liquid limit
and the plasticity index were the best. the liquid limit increased by 4.8%, the plasticity
limit increased by 4.2%, when dust volume ratio is 20%, the plasticity limit increased
by 12.1%; It can be known from the effect of admixture. when dust volume ratio was
30%, the liquid limit and plasticity index effect of straw ash were the best.
(2)The effect of maximum dry density and optimum water content
For Shanghai coastal saline soil, straw ash and diatomite can significantly improve
soil maximum dry density and optimum water content. with content increasing, the
optimum moisture content of the soil increased slowly,while the maximum dry density
decreases slowly.compare the effect of two admixture,it can be known that with content
increasing, the role of diatomaceous earth was more significant.
For Shanghai Chao Soil, straw ash and diatomite can significantly improve soil
maximum dry density and optimum water content. with content increasing, the optimum
moisture content of the soil increased slowly,while the maximum dry density decreases
slowly.compare the effect of two admixture,it can be known that with content increasing,
the role of diatomaceous earth was more significant.
For salinization soil, straw ash and diatomite can significantly improve soil
maximum dry density and optimum water content. with content increasing, the optimum
moisture content of the soil increased slowly,while the maximum dry density decreases
slowly.compare the effect of two admixture,it can be known that with content increasing,
the role of diatomaceous earth was more significant.
Key Word: Straw ash, Diatomite, plastic limits, liquid limit, plastic
index, optimum water content, maximum dry density
第一章 .................................................... 1
1.1 引言 ........................................................ 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 ............................................... 2
1.3 稻草灰和硅藻土的研究概 ..................................... 3
1.3.1 稻草灰 ................................................... 3
1.3.2 硅藻土 ................................................... 4
1.4 国内外研究概述 ............................................... 6
1.5 本论文主要研究内容、方法、方案和安排 ......................... 7
1.5.1 研究内容 ................................................. 7
1.5.2 研究方法 ................................................. 7
1.5.3 研究方案 ................................................. 8
1.5.4 论文进度安排 ............................................. 8
第二章 试验材料和方案 ........................................... 10
2.1 试验材料 ................................................... 10
2.1.1 稻草灰 .................................................. 10
2.1.2 硅藻土 .................................................. 10
2.1.3 上海滨海盐土 ............................................ 11
2.1.4 上海潮土 ................................................ 11
2.1.5 上海黄泥土 .............................................. 15
2.2 试验方案 ................................................... 15
2.2.1 液塑限测定试验 .......................................... 15
2.2.2 击实性能试验 ............................................ 17
2.2.3 水稳定性大团聚体组成测定试 ............................ 19
第三章 稻草灰对上海土壤稠度的影 ............................... 20
3.1 引言 ....................................................... 20
3.2 作用机理 ................................................... 20
3.3 稻草灰对上海土壤的水稳定性团聚体的影响 ...................... 20
3.3.1 稻草灰对上海滨海盐土的水稳定性团聚体的影响 .............. 20


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:104 页 大小:2.8MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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