摘 要
水,每年约 50%的废水不能达标排放。如果未处理完全的废水进入环境,将造成
研究电镀废水单一重金属沉淀规律时发现,重金属随着 pH 变化呈现出四种
用;选择三氯化铁为混凝剂须严格控制其投加量,避免 pH 下降过多引起重金属
(4)适当投加双氧水能有效氧化长链有机物,促进尾矿石对 CODCr 的去除
(6)优化后的投加量为:双氧水 0.5-1.0mg / mg CODCr;焦亚硫酸钠 0.15-
0.25 mg / mg T-Cr;尾矿 1-4 mg / mL 废水;曝气时间 0.5-2.0h;氢氧化钠:氢氧
化钙比例为 2:1-1:1,一沉 pH 值7.0-8.0,二沉 pH 值10.5-12.0。
关键词:电镀废水 重金属 协同/竞争去除
Electroplating wastewater is one of the largest industrial wastewater emissions every
year in China. It belongs to the typical toxic wastewater treatment. About 50% of the
wastewater cannot reach the discharge standard. If the wastewater cannot be treated
completely into the environment, it will have a profound impact. By monitoring the nine
kinds of electroplating wastewater in Jiangsu and Zhejiang electroplate factories, the
majority of electroplating wastewater contained copper, nickel and chromium, three kinds
of heavy metal component, and their concentration change obviously with the process.
The research of single heavy metal precipitation in electroplating wastewater was
found that heavy metal appeared in four forms with the variation of pH: ionic heavy metal
(water soluble heavy metals), water soluble hydroxide, colloidal hydroxide and
flocculation hydroxide precipitation. On the basis of the atomic radius and
electronegativity of copper, nickel and chromium, the combination of copper and
hydroxyl, chromium ion and hydroxyl was stronger than that of nickel. The study of
comprehensive heavy metals precipitation was found the synergistic effect between
copper and chromium ions, and competitive effect between nickel and copper, and
chromium ions. This is due to the coexistence of different heavy metal ions in water,
different heavy metal ions in different forms had different binding capacity with hydroxyl,
which speed up or slow down the combine speed of other metals ions and hydroxyl,
resulting in the phenomenon of synergistic and competitive effect between heavy metal
When the removal role of heavy metals in composite electroplating wastewater was
studied, firstly, using a typical comprehensive electroplating wastewater as the research
object to discuss the influence of redox reaction, different investment materials, selection
and dosing method of coagulant and alkali on the synergetic and competitive effect
between heavy metal ions during comprehensive electroplating wastewater treatment. On
the basis of this role, a new electroplating wastewater treatment process of magnesium
iron / manganese tailings dosage was based on. Then the process and operation
parameters in treating seven actual electroplating wastewater were optimized to study the
synergistic and competitive effect between heavy metal ions and heavy metals to other
components. The main conclusions can be summarized as the following:
(1) Long chain organic substance, ammonia nitrogen pollutant in the electroplating
wastewater had the complexation reaction with heavy metal ions easily, leading to high
effluent concentration of heavy metals. Phosphate pollutants had little effect on the
effluent after wastewater treatment;
(2) Using sodium metabisulfite as reducing agent of hexavalent chromium had the
advantages of low sludge yield, less dosage, low toxicity, no significant inhibitory effect
on heavy metal ions; Calcium hydroxide as a weighting agent could accelerate the small
molecular metal particle precipitation, neutralize the excess sodium metabisulfite in the
solution and reduce the inhibitory effect of sodium metabisulfite on precipitation of heavy
metals; In order to avoid pH value decline too much to cause the heavy metal precipitation
dissolution, dosage of ferric chloride must be controlled strictly;
(3) Magnesium iron / manganese tailings could neutralize excess adding pyrosulfite.
Magnesium hydroxide, produced by tailings hydrolysis, adsorbed heavy metal ions on
the surface of tailings, having obvious effect on copper and nickel ions and reducing the
outflow concentration of heavy metals effectively; Tailings by acidification could expand
its internal space structure, strengthen the coordination ability of heavy metals, and
weaken the inhibitory effect of the reduction of hexavalent chromium;
(4) Adequate dosage of hydrogen peroxide could oxidate long chain organic matter
effectively. Tailings removal efficiency of CODCr was promoted. The dosage of tailings
was reduced obviously; Reasonable aeration time could improve the oxygen
concentration in the wastewater. Catalytic oxidation of tailings to organic matter in
wastewater was enhanced;
(5) The final process of comprehensive electroplating wastewater treatment was:
after adding hydrogen peroxide / pyrosulfite first, addition of magnesium iron /
manganese tailings and aeration at the same time , end of the aeration and using mixed
alkali to adjust pH value, after precipitation, according to the effluent quality to decide
whether the addition of coagulant or not.
(6) The optimized dosage was: hydrogen peroxide 0.5-1.0mg / mg CODCr;
pyrosulfite 0.15-0.25 mg / mg T-Cr; tailings 1-4 mg / mL electroplating wastewater; the
mixing ratio of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide: 2:1-1:1, the pH value of the
first time precipitation 7.0-8.0, the pH value of the second time precipitation 10.5-12.0.
Key Word: electroplating wastewater, heavy metals, synergistic /
competitive removal
目 录
第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 综合电镀废水的来源 ............................................. 1
1.2 综合电镀废水的特性 ............................................. 2
1.3 综合电镀废水预处理 ............................................. 4
1.4 综合电镀废水的危害 ............................................. 5
1.5 重金属的协同竞争去除规律研究 ................................... 8
1.6 研究目的和意义 ................................................ 10
1.7 研究内容 ...................................................... 10
第二章 实验材料、设备及研究方法 .................................... 12
2.1 实验材料与主要试剂 ............................................ 12
2.2 实验主要仪器及设备 ............................................ 12
2.3 试验方法 ...................................................... 13
2.3.1 水样预处理 ................................................ 13
2.3.2 AAS 法检测重金属离子 ...................................... 13
2.3.3 氨氮浓度检测 .............................................. 15
2.3.4 总磷浓度检测 .............................................. 17
2.3.5 CODCr 浓度监测 .............................................. 18
2.3.6 模拟废水的配置 ............................................ 18
2.4 综合电镀废水检测 .............................................. 18
第三章 重金属离子的协同竞争去除机制 ................................ 23
3.1 重金属离子形态特征分析 ........................................ 23
3.1.1 铜离子形态规律 ............................................ 24
3.1.2 镍离子形态规律 ............................................ 24
3.1.3 铬离子形态规律 ............................................ 24
3.2 重金属协同竞争去除理论机理 .................................... 25
3.3 重金属离子间的协同竞争去除试验 ................................ 27
3.3.1 铜离子的协同竞争去除 ...................................... 27
3.3.2 镍离子的协同竞争去除 ...................................... 28
3.3.3 铬离子的协同竞争去除 ...................................... 31
3.4 本章小结 ...................................................... 32
第四章 综合电镀废水处理单元中的协同竞争作用研究 .................... 34
4.1 氧化还原法对重金属的协同竞争作用影响 .......................... 35
4.1.1 不同还原剂对协同竞争作用影响 .............................. 35
4.1.2 不同氧化剂对协同竞争作用影响 .............................. 36
4.2 沉淀法对重金属的协同竞争作用影响 .............................. 37
4.2.1 碱种类对协同竞争作用的影响 ................................ 37
4.2.2 反应体积对协同竞争作用的影响 .............................. 38
4.2.3 碱不同投加方式对协同竞争作用的影响 ........................ 39
4.3 混凝沉淀对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 ............................ 40
4.4 其他污染物组份对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 ...................... 41
4.5 本章小节 ...................................................... 42
第五章 基于重金属协同竞争作用的综合电镀废水处理工艺优化及案例分析 .. 43
5.1 浙江某电镀厂综合电镀废水处理 .................................. 43
5.1.1 外投铁氰化钾对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 .................... 43
5.1.2 焦亚不同投加方式对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 ................ 44
5.1.3 不同搅拌方式对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 .................... 45
5.1.4 外投铁镁尾矿石对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 .................. 47
5.1.5 纳米铁材料对重金属协同竞争作用的影响 ...................... 48
5.2 江苏某大型电镀厂电镀废水处理 .................................. 49
5.2.1 综合废水处理优化 .......................................... 50
5.2.2 含镍水工艺优化 ............................................ 54
5.2.3 含铬水工艺优化 ............................................ 56
5.3 浙江某大型电镀厂废水处理 ...................................... 59
5.3.1 综合水处理 ................................................ 59
5.3.2 含铬及混排废水处理效果 .................................... 63
5.4 本章小结 ...................................................... 64
第六章 结论与建议 .................................................. 66
6.1 结论 .......................................................... 66
6.2 建议 .......................................................... 67
参考文献 ........................................................... 68
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ..................... 75
致谢 ............................................................... 76
属性:81 页