摘 要
是夏季,经常出现嗅味、NH3-N 等超标的现象,因此,研究和应用先进的饮用水
通过对水库水的检测分析发现,原水水质污染较严重,CODMn 在3.36~
6.64mg/L 之间,NH3-N 平均值为 1.41mg/L,已严重超过国家地表水Ⅲ类标准。原
色粘稠状物质,经 GC-MS 检测,该类物质是硅氧烷类有机物。
水厂目前主要采用常规处理,从运行效果分析来看,对于 CODMn 和NH3-N 去
通过小试试验确定最佳混凝剂及其投加量,PAC 投加 8mg/L 时,各指标去除
效率最高。后续试验研究了投加助凝剂 PAM、臭氧预氧化以及高锰酸钾预氧化对
原水的处理效果,结果表明,投加 PAM 为0.4mg/L 时,CODMn、UV254、NH3-N
和浊度的去除率最高,分别为 20.22%、26.76%、14.49%和32.38%;臭氧投加量为
1mg/L 时,CODMn、UV254、NH3-N 和浊度去除率分别为 17.86%、28.51%、12.50%
和31.30%;高锰酸钾投加量为 0.8mg/L 时,CODMn、UV254、NH3-N 和浊度的去除
率分别为 32.64%、36.24%、16.99%和41.69%,是所有方法中处理效果最好的,且
深度处理工艺采用臭氧活性炭,主臭氧最佳投加量为 2.5mg/L,接触时间为
10min 时,各指标去除率最高,通过长时间连续性试验运行发现,高锰酸钾预处理
水厂设计水量为 5万m3/d,新建气浮接触池、臭氧活性炭滤池,工程总投资
为3293.67 万元,其中建筑工程费用 1212.97 万元,设备投资费用为 870.14 万元,
工程设备安装费用为 223.09 万元,其他费用共计 302.69 万元。运营期内单位处理
总成本为 0.25 元/吨,单位经营成本为 0.14 元/吨,项目回收期为 9.29 年,总投资
收益率为 8.11%,资本金净利润率为 6.15%,生产能力利用率为 52.52%,各经济
关键词:微污染原水 强化混凝 预氧化 臭氧-活性炭
With the intensification of water pollution, the characterics of Daye reservoir water
was with high ammonia nitrogen, high algae, which has threatened the safety of
drinking water and people health seriously. Cheng-yuan water plant in LaiWU, with the
Daye reservoir water as water resource, uses conventional technology, namely,
coagulation sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. From the test results, the
traditional water treatment can not meet the demand of quality changes of original water,
especially in summer, often appear the phenomenon of smelling, high ammonia nitrogen
etc. So it is necessary to study and applicate the advanced drinking water treatment
technologies to access to high quality drinking water.
According to the characterics of the reservoir water quality, through conventional
coagulation, strengthening coagulation, pre-ozone oxidation, ozone/activated carbon
treatment, treatment effect of the reservoir water on different methods were studied and
the best treatment parameters were put forward by experiments. The preliminary design
and cost analysis was done for the project.
The reservoir water was seriously polluted by organic pollutants. The CODMn of
the raw water was 3.36~6.64mg/L, the ammonia nitrogen was 1.41mg/L on the
average, which was serious more than the national surface water Ⅲ class standard. The
raw water characterics was with high turbidity and high algae in summer. A few white
sticky was found in the raw water, which was organic polydimethy siloxane through
GC-MS detection.
The conventional process for CODMn and ammonia nitrogen removal effect was
not good, especially for some limited ability to removal dissolved organic water, the
process has obvious removal effect for turbidity and algae, but it was ineffective for the
removal of siloxane materials in raw water.
The optimal coagulant dosage was determined by jar test, when PAC dosage was
8mg/L, each indicator was on the highest removal efficiency. The impacts of PAM, the
pre-oxidation of potassium permanganate and ozone on the raw water were studied. The
results showed that when PAM dosage was 0.4mg/L, CODMn, UV254, ammonia nitrogen,
turbidity removal were 20.22%, 26.76%, 14.49% and 32.38%. When ozone dosage was
1mg/L, the removal of CODMn, UV254, ammonia nitrogen, turbidity were 17.86%,
28.51%, 12.50% and 31.30%. When potassium permanganate dosage was 0.8mg/L,
CODMn, UV254, ammonia nitrogen, turbidity removal were 32.64%, 36.24%, 16.99%
and 41.69%. The pre-oxidation of potassium permanganate was the best method of the
treatment and effective removal for the siloxane materials in raw water. Therefore the
potassium permanganate was the pretreatment process in the experiments.
The ozone activated carbon treatment technology was used on filtered water. The
resulted showed that the optimal dosage of ozone was 2.5mg/L and the reaction time
was 10min. Through long continuity test, potassium permanganate pretreatment,
conventional treatment and ozone-carbon process had the stable removal for the organic
matter, algae etc. The testing indicators could meet the effluent quality standards.
The water plant design was 50000m3/d, air flotation contact tank and ozone
activated carbon filter were new constructed. The total investment was 32.9367 million
yuan, of which 12.1297 million yuan construction installation, 8.7014 million yuan
investment in equipment, engineering equipment installation cost 2.2309 million yuan
and other expenses totaling was 3.0269 million yuan. The total cost of operating units
during the processing was 0.25 Yuan/ton, the unit operating cost was 0.14 Yuan/ton, the
project payback period is 9.29 years, the total investment yield is 8.11%, the net captital
ratio is 6.15%, the production capacity utilization is 52.52%, all the economic indicators
are in line with industry standards.
Key Word: micro-pollution water, enhanced coagulation, pre-oxidation,
ozone-activated carbon
目 录
第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 我国水资源现状 ................................................ 1
1.2 地表水污染防治对策 ............................................ 1
1.2.1 提高饮用水水质标准 ........................................ 1
1.2.2 提高工艺处理能力 .......................................... 2
1.3 地表水处理方法与技术 .......................................... 2
1.3.1 常规混凝 .................................................. 2
1.3.2 强化混凝 .................................................. 3
1.3.3 预处理 .................................................... 4
1.3.4 深度处理 .................................................. 8
1.4 研究目的和内容 ............................................... 10
1.4.1 研究目的 ................................................. 10
1.4.2 研究内容 ................................................. 11
1.4.3 创新点 ................................................... 11
第二章 实验装置及研究方法 .......................................... 13
2.1 实验场所及水源地 ............................................. 13
2.2 水质指标分析方法 ............................................. 13
2.3 试验仪器及试验药剂 ........................................... 15
第三章 水库水质分析与现状处理工艺研究 .............................. 16
3.1 CODMn ......................................................... 16
3.1.1 原水 CODMn 变化趋势 ......................................... 16
3.1.2 现工艺对 CODMn 去除 ......................................... 16
3.1.3 解决方法 ................................................. 17
3.2 UV254 .......................................................... 17
3.2.1 原水 UV254 变化趋势 ......................................... 17
3.2.2 现工艺对 UV254 去除 ......................................... 18
3.2.3 解决方法 ................................................. 19
3.3 NH3-N ......................................................... 19
3.3.1 原水 NH3-N 变化趋势 ........................................ 19
3.3.2 现工艺对 NH3-N 去除 ........................................ 19
3.3.3 解决方法 ................................................. 20
3.4 浊度 ......................................................... 20
3.4.1 原水浊度变化趋势 ......................................... 20
3.4.2 现工艺对浊度去除 ......................................... 21
3.4.3 解决方法 ................................................. 21
3.5 藻类 ......................................................... 22
3.5.1 原水藻类变化趋势 ......................................... 22
3.5.2 现工艺对藻类去除 ......................................... 22
3.5.3 解决方法 ................................................. 23
3.6 有机物种类 ................................................... 23
3.6.1 XRD 分析图 ................................................ 23
3.6.2 原水 GC-MS 分析图 ......................................... 24
3.6.3 现工艺对污染物去除分析 ................................... 24
3.6.4 解决方法 ................................................. 26
3.7 本章小结 ..................................................... 26
第四章 预处理工艺处理水库水试验研究 ................................ 28
4.1 试验方法 ..................................................... 28
4.2 混凝去除效果 ................................................. 28
4.2.1 有机物的去除 ............................................. 28
4.2.2 浊度的去除 ............................................... 28
4.2.3 NH3-N 的去除 .............................................. 29
4.2.4 UV254 的去除 ................................................ 29
4.3 强化絮凝处理工艺的去除效果 ................................... 30
4.3.1 CODMn 和UV254 的去除 ......................................... 30
4.3.2 浊度的去除 ............................................... 31
4.3.3 NH3-N 的去除 .............................................. 31
4.4 预氧化+常规处理工艺的去除效果 ................................ 32
4.4.1 KMnO4预氧化 ............................................... 32
4.4.2 预臭氧+PAC ............................................... 35
4.5 预处理方法的确定 ............................................. 38
4.6 本章小结 ..................................................... 38
第五章 臭氧与活性炭深度处理试验研究 ................................ 40
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