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课程设置的现状及存在问题;然后以Dudley-Evans & St. John的需求分析模型为基
关键词:课程设置 需求分析 情感动机
In 2007, the Ministry of Education of China issued College English Curriculum
Requirements and put forward new requirements of college English curriculum design,
in which emphasize the philosophy of individualized education and the instrumental
and cultural characteristics of college English curriculum design. Besides, broad
attention has also been paid to the inappropriateness of college English curriculum
design. Thus it is urgent to improve the effectiveness and scientificity of college
English curriculum design. Needs analysis is regarded as the first main step of
curriculum design, and learners are important research subjects of needs analysis.
Prospective university students are learners who will soon enter universities and begin
their college English learning. Thus, it is very necessary to start the studies of
prospective university students needs for college English curriculum design. Precious
data for college English curriculum design will be offered by the comparison of
prospective university students needs and current state of college English curriculum
The author first tries to find out the overall state and the problems existing in
current college English curriculum design through the studies of the curriculum design
among sample universities. Then the author aims to discover prospective university
students real needs for college English curriculum design by designing
questionnaires and surveys which are based on Dudley-Evans & St. Johns needs
analysis model. The author mostly pays attention to the matches and the mismatches
between current situation of college English curriculum design and prospective
university students’ needs of college English, hoping to find out how to meet or guide
the needs properly. And at the end of the research, the author states the findings and
defects of the thesis.
The author hopes to provide information and advice for the optimization of
Chinas college English curriculum design to promote its development and enhance the
effectiveness of university students English learning. 3 Transits + 2 Courses Setting +
1 Emotional Motivation are the most important findings by the author, which means in
the process of college English curriculum design, we should focus on the three aspects.
Here 3 transits refers to the transits from high school English to college English liberal
education, from college English liberal education to academic English learning, and
from college English learning to further English learning after graduation; the 2
Courses Setting refers to English or bilingual liberal education courses setting and
academic courses setting; and the 1 Emotional Motivation refers to the work in
exploring and cultivating learners emotional motivation in college English learning.
This research, to some degree, has practical significance for Chinas college
curriculum design. But due to the limitation of the writers abilities, there are still some
Key wordscurriculum design, needs analysis, emotional motivation
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Systematic Approach to Designing and Maintaining Language Curriculum ... 6
Table 2.2 Overview of Chinese College English Policies ................................................ 7
Table 4.1 Placement Teaching and University Status & Region .................................... 29
Table 4.2 Placement Teaching & Other factors .............................................................. 29
Table 4.3 Teaching Focus & Students ............................................................................ 35
Table 4.4 Vocabulary and Students ................................................................................. 37
Table 4.5 English Learning After Class and Students .................................................... 39
Table 4.6 English learning After Class ........................................................................... 39
Table 4.7 Obstacles in English Learning ........................................................................ 40
Table 4.8 Reasons of Students’ Further English Learning.............................................. 40
Table 4.9 Curriculum Structure and Students ................................................................. 41
Table 4.10 Curriculum Structure and Class .................................................................... 41
Table 4.11 College English Duration .............................................................................. 42
Table 4.12 Learning Resources and Students ................................................................. 42
Table 4.13 Needs of Students in College English Learning ........................................... 43
Table 4.14 Difficulty in Students’ College English Learning ......................................... 43
Table 4.15 Survey Results from Students ....................................................................... 44
Table 4.16 Survey Results from Teachers ...................................................................... 47
List of Figures
Figure 4.1 Students' English Learning 1 ......................................................................... 36
Figure 4.2 Students' English Learning 2 ......................................................................... 36
Figure 4.3 Students' English Learning 3 ......................................................................... 37
Figure 4.4 Students' English Learning 4 ......................................................................... 37
................................................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. v
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter One Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research Background ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Significance ....................................................................................... 2
1.3 Thesis Configuration ........................................................................................ 3
Chapter Two Literature Review .................................................................................... 4
2.1 Curriculum Design ........................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Definition of Curriculum Design .......................................................... 4
2.1.2 Stages of College English Curriculum Design in China ..................... 6
2.2 Needs Analysis ................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Definition and Classification of Needs Analysis .................................. 8
2.2.2 Theoretical Basis .................................................................................. 10
2.2.3 Needs Analysis Intervention Time ...................................................... 10
2.2.4 Models of Needs Analysis ..................................................................... 11
2.2.5 Summary .............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Studies of College English Curriculum Design Based on Needs Analysis . 13
2.4 Summary ......................................................................................................... 15
Chapter Three Research Design .................................................................................. 16
3.1 Research Questions ......................................................................................... 16
3.2 Research Subjects ........................................................................................... 17
3.3 Instruments ..................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Research Procedures ...................................................................................... 19
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ......................................................................... 21


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作者:侯斌 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:83 页 大小:2.74MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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