
3.0 赵德峰 2025-01-09 5 4 4.21MB 140 页 15积分
多功能开放型企业供需网(Supply and Demand Network of enterprises with
multi-functional and opening characteristics简称供需网或 SDN是指以全球资源获
需流”的交互作用而形成的一种多功能开放式的供需动态网络模式。SDN 系统以
SDN 系统作为复杂的经济系统,其涵盖的各种要素和子系统是非常复杂与繁多的,
用,在时间和空间上产生各种复杂形式的耗散结构,使 SDN 系统产生相变,促进
SDN 系统从低级到高级、从简单到复杂不断的演化。在演化过程中,SDN 系统适
应性的增强依赖供需子系统之间以及子系统内部各要素之间的合作。SDN 管理的
目的就是使 SDN 系统尽量趋于理想的合作状态。因此,SDN 的合作问题是 SDN
管理的难题,也是首要问题,而 SDN 的合作过程本质上是 SDN 系统各要素之间
智能优化方法、熵理论、混沌理论、演化博弈论、合作对策理论、Topsis 多目标决
策技术作为研究的主要方法,结合企业管理思想和 SDN 系统的发展规律,SDN
全文共分 8章:首先是相关文献综述及问题的提出(第 1章)接着是对 SDN
系统的基础研究及复杂性分析(第2章),探讨了 SDN 系统产生非线性行为的根
本原因,详细阐述了供需流熵、结构熵和合作创新能力熵的构建步骤以及 SDN
统复杂性有序度的表示方法;其次是对 SDN 企业合作优化的扩展研究(第 3章至
优化进行论述,建立了 SDN 两节点之间完全合作决策模型和完全非合作决策模型,
SDN 企业合作伙伴选择的多目标决策模型中;再次是对 SDN 企业利益分配机制进
行研究(第 6章、第 7章),确定了 SDN 业利益分配机制设置的原则,分析了
SDN 节点之间的博弈格局和利益分配方法,深入探讨了 SDN 节点利益分配模型的
内在机理,提出了基于合作对策理论和 Topsis 法的 SDN 多节点利益分配模型,
出了 SDN 节点利益分配机制的具体实施方法;最后是本文的总结(第 8章)
At present, a new huge supranational markets system was formed in a situation of
economic globalization, and enterprises in different countries established highly
interdependent and mutually cooperative relationship, and goods, services, capital,
technology, knowledge, and other elements have been frequent movement in the
international market, and all of these factors made more complicated global economic
activities. In such a complex state, enterprises in different countries seem inexperienced
when they faced with new financial activities. Traditional supply chain management
model has been unable to adapt to the fundamental needs of enterprise development, so
a new business management concept --- Supply and Demand Network of enterprises
with multi-functional and opening characteristics came into being.
Supply and Demand Network of enterprises with multi-functional and opening
characteristics (SDN) refers to use access to global resources, global manufacturing,
global sales and improving enterprises' overall ability as a target, due to the multiple
supply and demand flow interaction, a versatile open dynamic network of supply and
demand patterns are formed in the relevant enterprises. SDN system is a complex
economic system based to SDN as the core, and network information platform and
related services as the support technologies, and the global market as external
environment. As a complex economic system, it consists of a very complex and lots of
elements and subsystems, and complex nonlinear interactions played a role between
these subsystems and elements, and in time and space to produce a variety of complex
forms of dissipative structures. All of these factors made the SDN system to produce the
phase change, and promoted continuous evolution of SDN system from lower to higher
and from simple to complex. Enhanced adaptability of SDN system depended on
cooperation of the various elements of the subsystem. SDN management objective is to
make the SDN system to tend to the ideal state of cooperation. Therefore, cooperation
problems of SDN is the difficult problems of SDN management, but also the most
important issue, while the process of cooperation of SDN is essentially the process of
cooperation optimization and profit distribution of SDN system in the various elements.
Based on the above reasons, using the idea of system science, and using game theory,
intelligent optimization methods, entropy theory, chaos theory, evolutionary game
theory, cooperative game theory, topsis multi-objective decision-making technology as
the main research methods, and combining with enterprise system management idea and
the regular of SDN development, SDN enterprises cooperation optimization and profit
distribution mechanism were studied in this paper.
Paper was divided into eight chapters. The literature review and the issues were
raised in Chapter 1; The basic research and SDN system complexity were analyzed in
Chapter 2and the root cause of nonlinear behavior of SDN system was analyzed, and
the building steps of supply flow entropy and structure entropy and collaborative
innovation capability entropy, and the representation methods of order degree of SDN
system complexity were explained in detail; Cooperation optimization of SDN
enterprise was studied in Chapter 3 to Chapter 5. Cooperation decision model,
evolutionary stability and willingness degree of cooperation, partner selection and
optimization were discussed, and appropriate models and frameworks were proposed,
and established a fully collaborative decision-making model and completely
non-cooperative decision-making model between two nodes of SDN, and compared the
system profits of the two nodes and production conditions under the three conditions of
oversupply, less demand, and the relative balance between supply and demand, and
enterprises' preferences and evolution stability were quantitatively analyzed, and the
production technology level on the impact of enterprises cooperation optimization
decisions was discussed in depth, and the intelligent optimization method was applied to
multi-objective decision model of SDN enterprise partner selection; Profit allocation
mechanism of SDN enterprises was studied in Chapter 6 and 7, and the principle of
profit distribution mechanisms of SDN enterprise was established, and the game
patterns of two nodes and the profit distribution methods were analyzed, and the
internal mechanism of benefit distribution model was deeply investigated, based on
cooperation game theory and topsis methods, the profit distribution model of SDN
multi-nodes was constructed, and pecific implementation methods of profit distribution
mechanisms have been proposed; Summary of this paper was discussed in Chapter 8.
The main innovations of this paper:
(1) Based system scientific and entropy theory and chaos theory, the complexity of
SDN system was measured. The research can deepen the process of formation and
evolution of SDN complexity, cooperation and synergy. The new theoretical
perspectives were presented through interdisciplinary fusion.
(2) By using game theory and evolutionary game theory, cooperation optimization
model of SDN enterprise was presented, and cooperation willingness degree of SDN
enterprise and evolution stability were analyzed. This paper extent the supply chain
cooperation optimization problem of the same product market to across the chain supply
cooperation optimization problem of different product markets, and cooperation
possibilities and collaboration space of two nodes were quantitatively analyzed. In
addition, by referring to the ESS of biological evolution process, cooperation
willingness of SDN enterprise and its evolution stability were studied. By using this
method, it not only can explain the cooperation motivation of SDN enterprise, and can
explain the stability of the optimal cooperation decision of SDN enterprise, namely
whether the cooperation behavior can continue to exist in the long-term evolution
process. Meanwhile, the method can illustrate under what conditions moral hazard
enterprises can invade or affect the entire enterprise groups.
(3) The improved PSO intelligence optimization method was applied to partner
selection of SDN enterprise. Compared to the standard particle swarm optimization, the
improved PSO algorithm for solving the partner selection optimization problems of the
SDN enterprise has a more favorable effect. The algorithm can quickly and accurately
find the best partners of SDN enterprises, and this method can be extended to any
magnitude partner selection problem of SDN enterprises.
(4) Based on cooperative game theory and topsis method, the comprehensive
profit allocation model of SDN multi-nodes was proposed. The model was the
comprehensive profit distribution mechanism model with a variety of factors, and
effectively avoided the defect of single profit distribution mode, and met the expected
profit distribution of each node. The model can not only embodied the principle of
fairness, but also can avoided the average distribution and big pot phenomenon.
Key Words: SDN, Cooperation optimizationProfit distribution,
System evolution
.............................................................. I
第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 ......................................... 1
§1.1.1 课题研究的背景 ......................................... 1
§1.1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 ................................... 4
§1.2 供需网理论及研究综述 ......................................... 4
§1.2.1 SDN 基本理论 .......................................... 4
§1.2.2 SDN 理论研究综述 ...................................... 6
§1.3 企业合作优化模型研究概况 .................................... 10
§1.4 利益分配问题研究概况 ........................................ 13
§1.5 论文的研究内容、研究方法 .................................... 16
§1.5.1 研究内容 .............................................. 16
§1.5.2 研究方法 .............................................. 18
§1.6 研究技术路线与创新之处 ...................................... 18
§1.6.1 研究技术路线 .......................................... 18
§1.6.2 创新之处 .............................................. 20
§1.7 本章小结 .................................................... 21
第二章 SDN 系统的复杂性分析 ........................................ 22
§2.1 SDN 系统的内涵及特征 ....................................... 22
§2.1.1 SDN 系统的基本概念 ................................... 22
§2.1.2 SDN系统的内涵 ....................................... 24
§2.1.3 SDN 系统的特征 ....................................... 25
§2.2 SDN 系统复杂性产生原因及构成体系 ........................... 26
§2.2.1 SDN 系统复杂性产生原因 ............................... 26
§2.2.2 SDN 系统复杂性特征 ................................... 27
§2.2.3 SDN 系统的复杂性构成体系 ............................. 28
§2.3 SDN 系统复杂性度量的熵模型 ................................. 29
§2.3.1 复杂性度量方法综述 .................................... 29
§2.3.2 SDN 系统的供需流熵 ................................... 30
§2.3.3 SDN 系统的结构熵 ..................................... 31
§2.3.4 SDN 系统的合作创新能力熵 ............................. 32
§2.3.5 熵模型构建与描述 ...................................... 34


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作者:赵德峰 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:140 页 大小:4.21MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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