
3.0 牛悦 2025-01-09 4 4 5.51MB 105 页 15积分
实验中,通过定义不稳定度|S|2%可确定释放阶段搅拌时间、初始浓度 C0
显著衰减所需时间;利用房间浓度不均匀系数 KC,定量分析房间示踪气体与空气
混合均匀程度,并得出示踪气体释放阶段,在满足|S|2%且浓度不均匀系数 KC
件下,以保证室内外浓度差 200350ppm 为原则确定示踪气体释放量,此时测得
影响较小;整个衰减阶段 KC均小于 10%满足均匀性要求。利用实验采用平均浓
度求换气次数和各点换气次数的平均值与实验标准通风量的误差均超过了 10%
而位于通风路径上靠近排风 1/31/2L 处,且垂直高度在 1.1~2.0m 的测点,所得
来的 30%减小至 5%10%左右,测量精度明显提高。本实验研究表明,采用显著
位置,或采用多点测量浓度平均值时,获得实际通风量即标准风量 Q0与实测值 Q
之间关系分别为 Q0=(0.951.05)QQ0=(0.941.10)QQ0=(0.941.12)Q自然通
系数法获得理论风量 Q’ 与利用上述方法获得的实际通风量 Q0关系为
关键词:示踪气体 衰减法 浓度不均匀系数 测点布置
数据处理 积分参数迭代法 数值模拟
Effective natural ventilation can not only reduce energy consumption, but also can
provide fresh air to improve indoor thermal environment, discharge indoor pollutants
effectively and improve indoor air quality. Along with social progress and the
increasingly demand for indoor air quality, the relationship between indoor air quality
and human health caughtmore attention, especially theventilationquantitative. The tracer
gas method for air ventilation of room is more commonly used and accurate. However
the type of tracer gas, the emission amount, the uniform distribution of tracer gas
concentration, measurement method,the sampling position,the data processing
method,the room geometry and outdoor meteorological parameters can cause biase in
the result of air ventilation quantity determination.So it is important to measure accurate
ventilation rate quantity by tracer gas technique.
An office room is selectedfor studying tracer gas method in the general airflow
standard room. An experimental system is built to study tracer gas method.This study
took blast doors for mechanical ventilation and took carbon dioxideas decay tracer gas
to analyze.
Mixing time, initial concentration C0 of the release phase and settling time of
rapid decay period aredetermined by defining the instability coefficient | S | less than
2%.To analyzemixing uniformity oftrace gasconcentrationquantitatively, concentration
coefficient of uniformity KC is used. Using an oscillating fan can meet the
requirementsin a single room as |S| less than 2% and KC less than 10%.The research
with numerical simulation and experiments show that under the experimental conditions,
it is more accurate and reasonable when the tracer gas emissions to ensure the
concentration difference between inside and outside of 200ppm to 350ppm . It will
come up with great concentration fluctuation at the beginning of decey stage. The
concentration uniformity is effected by doors and windows open status, airflow and air
change rate.But during the decay process, KC is less than 10%, the indoor measurement
points have more uniform concentration even under the influence of the factors
mentioned above.The results show that the average concentration and sampling points
are not representative for the room ventilation rate, while the optimal sample position to
determine theventilation rate is 1/3 ~ 1/2L away from air outletandthe vertical height in
the 1.1m to 2.0m, the higher accuracy of the measurement error is within 10%.For
natural ventilation, considering air flow uncertainty, instability, the person’s different
living habits of opening doors and windows, it is more reasonable to set point at the
center of the room.
With data processing, collecting experimental data of the rapid decay period and
combining integral parameter iterative method,the average bias of the representative
pointsis reduced from 30% with the traditional calculation method to 5% ~ 10%,the
measurement accuracy is significantly improved.The results with integral parameter
iterative method to the mid-point of the ventilation path, the center point of the room
and the average value of the multi-points, the relationship between the actual value of
Q0 and the measured value of Q: Q0= (0.95 ~ 1.05) Q, Q0 = (0.90 ~ 1.10) Q, Q0 = (0.94 ~
1.12) Q.Using the correction coefficient in natural ventilation, the actual value of
ventilation can be obtained.Wind pressure coefficient method to calculate the value of
ventilation, the relationship between theoretical value Q ' and actual value Q0 is Q0 =
(1.02~1.18) Q,the actual ventilation can be obtained by correction coefficient and the
calculated value.
In summary, the tracer gas method for a single room’s air ventilation, which
determined by size of emission, the arrangement of measuring points and improved data
processing method can be greatly improved the accuracy of the measurement results.
The research provides an improved measuring method for the measureing natural
ventilation rate.
Key word: tracer gas, instability, concentration coefficient of
uniformity, point positioning, data processing, integration
parameter iterative method, numerical simulation
第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1
1.1 课题来源及研究意义 ............................................. 1
1.2 国内外居室通风量测定方法研究现状 ............................... 2
1.3 示踪气体测定方法研究现状 ....................................... 3
1.3.1 示踪气体种类 ............................................... 3
1.3.2 示踪气体浓度测试仪器 ....................................... 5
1.3.3 浓度测点布置与测定时间 ..................................... 5
1.3.4 数据处理方法介绍 ........................................... 6
1.3.5 示踪气体测量方法存在的不足及限制条件 ....................... 7
1.3.6 已有改进方法 ............................................... 7
1.4 本课题的思考以及主要研究内容 ................................... 8
1.4.1 进一步改进示踪气体测试方法的思考 ........................... 8
1.4.2 本课题主要研究内容 ......................................... 9
1.4.3 研究关键技术及研究路线 .................................... 10
第二章 示踪气体法风量测量原理及数据处理理论分析 ................... 11
2.1 示踪气体测量基本原理 .......................................... 11
2.1.1 风量测量的质量守恒原理 .................................... 11
2.1.2 各示踪气体测量方法原理 .................................... 11
2.2 示踪气体浓度均匀性及稳定性判据 ................................ 13
2.2.1 浓度混合均匀判定法则 ...................................... 14
2.2.2 浓度稳定时间判定法则 ...................................... 16
2.3 数据处理理论分析 .............................................. 17
2.3.1 数据处理方法理论基础 ...................................... 17
2.3.2 国标法 .................................................... 18
2.3.3 差分法 .................................................... 18
2.3.4 稳态法 .................................................... 19
2.3.5 非线性回归法 .............................................. 19
2.3.6 差分参数迭代法 ............................................ 19
2.4 本章小结 ...................................................... 21
第三章 测点布置及其均匀性实验研究 .................................. 23
3.1 实验原理及研究对象介绍 ........................................ 23
3.2 示踪气体测量方法实验系统搭建 .................................. 24
3.2.1 测试仪器及其仪器主要性能 .................................. 24
3.2.2 实验系统搭建 .............................................. 25
3.2.3 实验风量范围确定 .......................................... 28
3.2.4 示踪气体浓度检测仪 ........................................ 29
3.3 实验方案设计 .................................................. 31
3.3.1 实验目的 .................................................. 31
3.3.2 实验方案 .................................................. 32
3.3.3 实验步骤 .................................................. 34
3.4 释放阶段室内示踪气体稳定时间及浓度均匀性分析 .................. 35
3.4.1 不同搅拌形式对搅拌稳定时间与浓度均匀性的影响分析 .......... 35
3.4.2 释放量大小对搅拌稳定时间及浓度均匀性的影响分析 ............ 40
3.5 衰减阶段室内示踪气体衰减时间及浓度均匀性分析 .................. 41
3.5.1 释放量大小对室内显著衰减时间及浓度均匀性影响分析 .......... 41
3.5.2 渗透风量测量时浓度均匀性分析 .............................. 44
3.5.3 不同窗户开启形式浓度均匀性与衰减时间分析 .................. 46
3.6 实验数据的处理方法及测点布置改进研究 .......................... 49
3.6.1 现有数据处理方法结果对比分析 .............................. 49
3.6.2 采用显著衰减段数据处理方法 ................................ 51
3.6.3 积分参数迭代方法的提出 .................................... 54
3.6.4 室内测点布置改进研究 ...................................... 61
3.7 本章小结 ...................................................... 64
第四章 CFD 在示踪气体衰减法中的应用研究 ............................. 67
4.1 数值模拟方法的介绍 ............................................ 67
4.1.1 数学模型理论基础 .......................................... 67
4.1.2 湍流模型及计算方法 ........................................ 68
4.2 建模及边界条件确定 ............................................ 68
4.2.1 物理模型的建立 ............................................ 68
4.2.2 网格生成及边界条件的确定 .................................. 70
4.3 数值模拟验证及其实验研究应用 .................................. 70
4.3.1 数值模拟结果验证 .......................................... 71


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:105 页 大小:5.51MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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