
3.0 牛悦 2025-01-09 4 4 2.64MB 75 页 15积分
2007 年发生在美国的次货危机使得“影子银行”这个概念开始被公众所熟知,
中金的测算截至 2013 4月我国影子银行规模约为 27 万亿,占到我国 2012
GDP 51.99%占商业银行各项贷款的 42.86%影子银行的快速发展,正在改变
关键词:货币政策 影子银行 VECM 脉冲响应函数 方差分解
The United States subprime mortgage crisis, which occurred in 2007, has made
the concept of "shadow banking" began to be known by the public. The “shadow
banking” in America was interpreted as an organization that has the similar function of
banks, however its not regulated by financial intermediaries, such as investment banks,
hedge funds, money market funds, etc.. Mismatch maturity, high leverage and high risk
are the main characteristics of shadow banks. Strictly speaking, there are no shadow
banks existing in our country, but there are some financial intermediaries, financial
products and financial markets which similar to shadow banking, these institutions are
called shadow banks of China by domestic scholars. To be specific, shadow banks
of China is mainly consist of the commercial bank financial management products,
collections, trust loans, entrusted loans and private lending financial products, financial
intermediaries, or financial markets. Unlike the shadow banks in USA, these ones in
China are at the early stage of development, and has low degree of independence,
securitization and only has single functions.
Although the development of China's shadow banking is relatively lagging behind,
its scale has reached to a very high level. According to the estimates of cicc, the value
of shadow banking in China is about 27 trillion by April 2013, which accounts for
51.99% of China's GDP in 2012, and equals to 42.86% of the amount of all kinds loans
in commercial Banks. The rapid development of the shadow banking is now changing
the financial market structure in our country, has weakened dominant position of the
commercial Banks in the social financing, and has challenged the traditional
macroeconomic regulation and control policies. In this paper, based on the connection
between the shadow banking and monetary policy, we deeply analyzed and verified the
impact of the shadow Banks to of monetary policy in our country from both theoretical
and empirical analysis. In theoretical analysis part, this article gave in-depth analysis of
the impact on monetary policy which shadow banking have made from the monetary
policy transmission channels, monetary policy intermediary target, monetary policy
target, monetary policy tools and operation from five aspects. We used the method of
mathematical deduction to confirm the expansion of the shadow banking system can
result to the increase of money supply, and the relationship has nothing to do with the
source of the shadow banking system funds. Theoretical analysis results show that the
occurrence of shadow Banks have made the disadvantage impact on the conduct of
monetary policy in China, mainly including: first, it hindered the credit transmission
channels of Chinese monetary policy, which cant be transmitted to the real economy
effectively; second, the shadow banks have already affected the measurability and
controllability of the intermediate target for the monetary policy, which made the
central bank cannot get the precise information of the scale of money supply on the
market; whats more, the emergence of the shadow banking has reduced the strength of
role for the traditional monetary policy tools, which cannot adjust the money quality on
the market; finally, the great risk of shadow banking is unfavorable for the economy to
have a healthy development; in addition, the asymmetry of the impact which the
shadow banking made on monetary policy was further analyzed.
As for the empirical analysis part, this article adopted the generalized impulse
function and variance decomposition of the vector autoregressive model (VECM),
from the perspective of econometrics, to verify the impact that shadow Banks made on
the intermediate target and ultimate goal of our country monetary policy. The empirical
results show that: the change of the shadow banking scale will cause money supply to
change in the same direction in the short term, but in the long term, it will cause the
money supply to chance in the opposite direction and long-lasting; the impact on the
credit scale is characterized by negative, which also proved that the shadow banking
have the same function of commercial Banks, which can be substituted in some degree;
the results also shows that the enlargement of shadow banks can cause the pressure of
rising prices, and also have negative impact on economy growth. At the last part, the
corresponding policy recommendations were put forward from aspects of shadow
banking supervision and completing the monetary policy respectively.
Key WordsMonetary PolicyShadow BankVECMImpulse
Response FunctionVariance Decomposition
第一章 .................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................. 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2
1.2 文献综述 ................................................... 2
1.2.2 国外相关文献研究综述 .................................... 2
1.2.3 国内相关文献研究综述 .................................... 4
1.3 研究方法及内容 ............................................. 6
第二章 影子银行理论介绍 .......................................... 9
2.1 影子银行的定义 ............................................. 9
2.1.1 国外的定义 .............................................. 9
2.1.2 国内的定义 ............................................. 10
2.2 我国影子银行的表现形式及运作机制 .......................... 12
2.3 我国影子银行的特征 ........................................ 16
2.4 我国影子银行产生的原因 .................................... 17
2.4.1 利率市场化与影子银行 ................................... 17
2.4.2 流动性分布不均衡 ....................................... 18
2.4.3 强大的信贷需求 ......................................... 18
2.4.4 金融“脱媒” ........................................... 19
2.5 我国影子银行规模估算 ...................................... 19
第三章 影子银行对货币政策影响机制分析 ........................... 22
3.1 影子银行具有强大的信用创造功能 ............................ 22
3.1.1 美国影子银行的信用创造 ................................. 22
3.1.2 我国影子银行的信用创造 ................................. 24
3.2 影子银行对货币政策中间目标的影响 .......................... 29
3.2.1 影子银行模糊了货币供应量层次的划分,降低了其可测性 ..... 30
3.2.2 影子银行放大了社会的货币供给,降低了其可控性 ........... 30
3.3 影子银行对传导渠道的影响 .................................. 34
3.4 影子银行减弱了操作目标的作用力度 .......................... 37
3.5 影子银行对货币政策工具的影响 .............................. 37
3.5.1 削弱了存款准备金率的作用效力 ........................... 37
3.5.2 公开市场业务不够完善 ................................... 38
3.5.3 进一步弱化再贴现再贷款的作用 ........................... 38
3.5.4 影响利率工具作用方式 ................................... 38
3.6 影子银行对货币政策最终目标的影响 .......................... 39
3.7 影子银行对货币政策影响的非对称性分析 ...................... 40
第四章 影子银行对我国货币政策影响的实证分析 ..................... 41
4.1 模型建立 .................................................. 41
4.1.1 VAR 模型介绍 ............................................ 41
4.1.2 基于 VAR 模型的 Johansen 协整检验介绍 .................... 43
4.1.3 向量误差修正模型(VECM)介绍 ............................. 44
4.2 变量及数据的选取 .......................................... 44
4.3 数据平稳性检验 ............................................ 45
4.4 Johansen 协整检验 .......................................... 46
4.5 基于 VAR Granger 因果关系检验 ............................ 48
4.6 VECM 模型建立及协整分析 .................................... 49
4.7 基于 VECM 的广义脉冲响应函数分析 ........................... 51
4.8 基于 VECM 模型的 Cholesky 方差分解分析 ...................... 54
4.9 小结 ...................................................... 58
第五章 结论及政策建议 ........................................... 60
5.1 结论 ...................................................... 60
5.2 加强影子银行监管,形成有效监管机制 ........................ 61
5.2.1 影子银行监管需区别对待 ................................. 61
5.2.2 积极引导影子银行资金流向 ............................... 62
5.2.3 防范影子银行风险扩散 ................................... 62
5.3 完善货币政策调控 .......................................... 62
5.3.1 提高货币政策工具作用力度 ............................... 62
5.3.2 推进利率市场化,向价格型调控转型 ....................... 63
5.3.3 重视社会融资规模管理 ................................... 64
第六章 ................................................... 65
参考文献 ......................................................... 66
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ................... 70
........................................................... 71


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作者:牛悦 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:75 页 大小:2.64MB 格式:PDF 时间:2025-01-09


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