
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-20 6 4 1.27MB 73 页 15积分
摘 要
2研究了把线性调频信号(LFM)作为二元水印的音频水印算法。LFM 信号在时
线就能实现水印恢复。通常情况下,提取水印的误码率达到 20%
Hough-Radon 变换(HRT)可以将这种带有污染的水印序列准确再现出来。然而,
HRT 是一个全局搜索算法,它的时间复杂度较大,以致严重限制了该算法的实际
应用,成为了该算法的瓶颈。论文采用线性回归和聚类分析方法,大大缩小了 HRT
的搜索范围,显著缩短了搜索时间。而且在提取水印的误码率达到 20%时,仍然
关键词:音频水印 Hough-Radon 变换 线性调频信号 线性回归 层次
聚类分析 小波分解 改进的离散余弦变换 扩频
Along with the large production of the multimedia, the copyright protection of them
is becoming more and more important. Digital watermarking has received great
attention recently as a kind of new technique to protect the copyright. The watermarking
technique embeds invisible codes in digital data, and it can be extracted to identify the
copyright owner when there are some arguments about the real owner. Although the
code could also be used to protect the digital production, it will lose such function if the
production is decoded, while the watermark in the protected data is hard to remove.
Hence, there are more advantages of digital watermarking in protecting the copyrights.
Based on large research results of the researchers working on digital watermarking,
this paper focuses on the algorithm for audio watermarking. The mainly contributions of
it are as follows:
(1) An algorithm for audio watermarking based on wavelet decomposition is
proposed. The algorithm first deals with the audio signal using wavelet decomposition
to get the time-variant low frequency components of the audio signal. Then, the
spectrum of the low frequency components is spread and the watermark is embedded
into the low frequency components spread by using the MDCT (Modified Discrete
Cosine Transform). Finally, the better veracity of extracting the watermark is assured by
using error correction. By using the method, the amount of the embedded watermark
bits is increased; the security and imperceptibility of the embedded watermark is
ensured. In the mean time, the watermarking scheme is also robust to the common
signal processing.
(2) A new binary audio watermarking algorithm is studyed. As watermark message, a
liner frequency modulation (LFM) signal is embedded in an audio signal. Since LFM
signal is localized as a straight line in the time-frequency (TF) plane, we can recover the
original watermark sequence by detecting the line in the image of the TF plane.
Although Hough-Radon transform (HRT) can correctly find the embedded watermark
message after common signal operations for bit error rates up to 20% by detecting the
line in the image, it needs to search for the parameters in a global space, and therefore it
has high computational capacity and costs large amount of time, which makes the
method not feasible for real-time application. In order to solve this problem, we propose
a new scheme that combining the liner regression and hierarchical clustering to
accelerate the execution of the HRT algorithm. Since our method searches for the
parameters at local, it can reduce the computational capacity and save large amount of
time. The simulation results show that our scheme could not only detect the embedded
watermark message after common signal processing operations for bit error rates up to
20%, but also accelerate the execution of the HRT algorithm many times.
Key words: Audio Watermarking, HRT, LFM, Liner Regression,
hierarchical clustering, Wavelet decomposition, Modified discrete
cosine transform, Spectrum spread
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ......................................................... 1
§1.1 论文的选题背景和研究意义 .................................... 1
§1.2 水印的历史和数字水印技术的研究现状 .......................... 3
§1.3 本文的结构 .................................................. 6
第二章 数字音频水印算法简介 .......................................... 7
§2.1 数字音频水印算法的理论模型 .................................. 7
§2.2 数字音频水印算法的设计 ...................................... 8
§2.2.1 数字音频水印的嵌入位置 ................................ 8
§2.2.2 数字音频水印的具体嵌入方式 ........................... 12
§2.3 数字音频水印的评价标准 .................................... 14
§2.4 数字音频水印算法分类 ....................................... 15
第三章 基本概念和原理 ............................................... 18
§3.1 小波分析的基本原理 ......................................... 18
§3.1.1 小波的产生 ........................................... 18
§3.1.2 小波的本质 ........................................... 18
§3.1.3 小波分析的本质 ....................................... 19
§3.1.4 离散小波变换 ......................................... 22
§3.2 聚类分析的基本原理 ......................................... 25
§3.2.1 聚类分析的方法 ....................................... 25
§3.2.2 距离和相似系数 ....................................... 26
§3.2.3 系统聚类法 ........................................... 28
§3.2.4 类个数的确定 ......................................... 30
§3.3 Radon 变换的基本原理 ....................................... 30
§3.3.1 Radon 变换原理 ....................................... 30
§3.3.2 Radon 变换的性质 ..................................... 31
§3.3.3 离散 Radon 变换 ....................................... 32
§3.3.4 Radon 变换的计算 ..................................... 33
§3.3.5 用 Radon 变换检测直线 ................................. 33
§3.4 时频分析的基本理论 ......................................... 33
§3.4.1 时频分布的表示方法 ................................... 34
§3.4.2 三种线性时频表示方法对多分量 LFM 信号的检测 ........... 37
第四章 基于小波分解和改进离散余弦变换的音频水印算法 ................. 40
§4.1 引言 ....................................................... 40
§4.2 水印算法设计原理 ........................................... 41
§4.3 算法 ....................................................... 42
§4.3.1 水印嵌入算法 ......................................... 42
§4.3.2 水印检测过程 ......................................... 44
§4.3.3 误差修正 ............................................. 44
§4.3.4 水印效果评价 ......................................... 44
§4.4 仿真结果 ................................................... 45
§4.5 本章小结 ................................................... 47
第五章 基于 LFM 信号检测的音频水印算法 ............................... 48
§5.1 引言 ....................................................... 48
§5.2 二元水印序列的产生 ......................................... 49
§5.3 水印嵌入与提取 ............................................. 49
§5.3.1 水印嵌入算法 ......................................... 49
§5.3.2 水印检测算法 ......................................... 50
§5.4 水印提取值修正算法 ......................................... 51
§5.5 仿真实验 ................................................... 54
§5.5.1 水印位检测与恢复:结果和讨论 ......................... 54
§5.5.2 直线的检测时间:结果与讨论 ........................... 58
§5.6 小结 ....................................................... 59
第六章 结束语 ....................................................... 60
参考文献 ............................................................ 62
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担的科研项目 .............................. 66
.............................................................. 67


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:73 页 大小:1.27MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-20


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