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Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
During the years of study on English rhetoric, the author has developed a keen interest
in the analysis of presidential inaugural speeches from the perspective of rhetorical
criticism. The presidential inaugural speeches, as a form of speech discourse, have
their unique features, which can be explored and investigated from the rhetorical
perspective. The author, under the help of all the professors and scholars in this field,
develops his master thesis of a rhetorical criticism on the American presidential
inaugural speeches.
In the present-day social life, the American presidential inaugural speeches often
attract our eyes in one way or another. Many people, even the middle school students
can recite some of the classic speeches, such as the inaugural speech by American
President George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few. The traditional
and prevailing approach to the speeches is the discourse analysis from the stylistic
perspective or the research of literary criticism from the textual point of view.
However, as both the approaches inherently have their advantages in terms of stylistic
evaluation and literature appreciation respectively, they inevitably have their own gap
and even disadvantages when probing into the comprehensive study of the speeches.
In order to observe the speeches three-dimensionally, some western scholars have
been developing an approach of the rhetorical criticism in the field of speech-analysis
so as to display a panoramic view of the speeches. Nevertheless, the rhetorical
criticism on the speeches is a nouveau way to analyze the speeches. In this thesis, the
author will do his utmost to bridge the gap and pave a way to bring more fresh ideas
and methods to the study of rhetorical criticism on the American presidential
inaugural speeches. In the process of introducing the advanced theory, we should
never forget to instill our own thinking and ideas, because only by innovation can we
make progress. And this innovation certainly will even contribute to the study in this
field because a sharply delineated theoretical structure is being under construction
with our co-effort.
The thesis is designed and developed in the following pattern: Chapter One gives a
brief introduction of the study concerned, and Chapter Two presents a literature
Toward a Dramatistic Criticism of American Presidential Inaugural Speeches—A Case Study
review of the main models of criticism to show how the critic observes and analyzes
the discourse with a certain model. Chapter Three explains the pentadic model in
detail, focusing on the terms of “pentad”, “agent,” “act,” “agency,” “purpose,”
“scene,” and relationship between them. Chapter Four pictures a tentative study: a
critique of the American presidential inaugural speeches. The pentadic model is
applied to analyze and elaborate the American presidential inaugural speeches in order
to demonstrate how inaugural speeches are rhetorically constructed in a particular
context, to find out what may always hold true in such a genre, and to shed light on
the way social cooperation is achieved. Chapter Five concludes the present study.
Chapter Two Literature Review
Chapter Two Literature Review
§ 2.1 Rhetorical Criticism in Brief
There are two famous sayings in the western rhetorical history, “man is a rhetorical
animal by nature” and “man is by nature a critic.” Human beings distinguish
themselves from other animals in the way they see and behave in a rhetorical way:
they see the world they live in and live by as a rhetorically symbolized world and in
that rhetorically symbolized world, they take rhetorically symbolic action. Human
beings make rhetorical strategies and take rhetorical actions by adapting themselves to
the rhetorically symbolized world. In this world, humans are by nature critics: they
ponder on the essence of life, the nature of humans, and the characteristics of human
language. They take a critical view on the substantial and spiritual world so that they
can have a better understanding about human life.
Language, as a symbolic action, is used by human beings to perform daily
communications. In this sense, language fulfills the communicative function in human
social life. Rhetorical criticism is a rhetorical approach to the study of language and
communications. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell defines rhetorical criticism in Critiques of
Contemporary Rhetoric as “the description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of
persuasive uses of language” (Campbell, 1972:12). And J. Allen Hendrix and Jerome
B. Polisky further develop the definition of rhetoric in Rhetorical Criticism Methods
and Models as an informative use of discourse and an inclusion of both the spoken
and the written discourse into the consideration as the research object (J. Allen
Hendrix & Jerome B. Polisky, 1968:iii).
Rhetorical criticism is essentially an examination of the rhetorical discourse. It aims at
the persuasive use of language, which conveys the ideas, enhances the meaning,
persuades the audience, falsifies the rebuttal and even induces actions. Based on the
traditional approach of discourse analysis and the New rhetoric, rhetorical criticism
differs from literary criticism mainly in that literary criticism focuses itself basically
on the discourse itself in order to pursue the permanence of beauty, while rhetorical
criticism aims at the rhetorical structure of the discourse, the rhetorical use of
language, and the influence of rhetorical discourse on the audience, such as changing
Toward a Dramatistic Criticism of American Presidential Inaugural Speeches—A Case Study
their attitude, shaping ideas and inducing some action.
Rhetorical criticism is both objective and subjective. It is certainly subjective as we
must pass our judgment on a rhetorical discourse, but this subjectivity is rhetorically
and factually grounded on the discourse. Thus it is objective. The objectivity of
rhetorical criticism lies in its objective basis of the rhetorical discourse, while the
subjectivity of the rhetorical discourse means that the rhetorical discourse is examined
by different models of criticism, such as the feminist model, the dramatistic model
and the sociological model, which embrace the subjective standard of evaluation
With the development of rhetorical criticism, a unique methodology of analyzing the
rhetorical discourse has been framed. Generally speaking, it centers on the rhetorical
destruction, the persuasiveness of language, the potential and actual effect of creating,
reinforcing, and changing the attitude and inducing the ideal action of the audience,
§ 2.2 Models of Criticism
The rhetorical criticism boasts several canonical models: the new-Aristotelian model,
the feminist model, the postmodern model and the pentadic model, to name just a few.
In this section, the author will take a brief review of the main models of criticism in
the literary world in order to show a vista of various models and give the readers a
general idea of the development of rhetorical criticism.
§2.2.1 The New-Aristotelian Model
The new-Aristotelian model has dominated the research on discourses of public
speeches since the 20th century. The new-Aristotelian model encompasses three
procedures: restoration and analysis of the background in which the rhetorical
discourse has produced, elaboration and analysis of the rhetorical discourse, and
assessment of the influence of the discourse on the audience (常昌富,1998:3).
The first procedure of the criticism deals with the social background of the addresser,
Chapter Two Literature Review
the situation when and where the speech is addressed, and the original attitude of the
audience towards the speech(1998:3). The addresser of the speech plays the
role of being a rhetorician in the rhetorical criticism. His social status, economic
background, and personal experience will decide his attitude towards the social
problems and consequently affect his views reflected in the speech. The situation
focuses on the place and time the speech is actually made. It is said that the temporal
and spatial factors will affect the style of the speech (formal or informal), the tones of
the addresser (commending or condemning), and the way of delivery (televised,
broadcasted or on the spot). In addition, the nature of the audience is explored. Of
great importance is the exploration of the original attitude of the audience. Whether
the audience holds an approval or objective attitude towards the addressed issue will
directly affect the process and result of the speech in the end.
The second procedure is the emphasis of the criticism on the rhetorical discourse(
昌 富 , 1998:3), and it rests on the five canons of classic criticism: invention,
disposition, style, memory and delivery.
The canon of invention aims at deciding the arguments, the supporting materials, and
the methods or strategies to organize the selected supporting materials to demonstrate,
prove and testify the argument.
The canon of disposition concerns the treatment of the elaborate evaluation, the
orderly arrangement of the parts of a discourse. It decides a rhetorical structure to
organize the argument and the supporting materials in order to achieve the purpose of
making an accurate, coherent and persuasive discourse.
The canon of style examines the stylistic features of a discourse. It dwells on a
determination of what kind of words, phrases, expressions, sentence structures and
paragraphs should be utilized to make the discourse aesthetically pleasing to the
audience. The discourse is elaborately designed from the lexical, grammatical and
textual perspectives to enhance the persuasive force on the audience.
The canon of memory is usually traced back to the classic rhetorical theory since it
develops and flourishes in the classic time. It describes memory as a canon of how to
Toward a Dramatistic Criticism of American Presidential Inaugural Speeches—A Case Study
memorize the speech discourse in order to deliver a more effective and persuasive
delivery of the speech.
The canon of delivery probes into the mode of presenting the speech. The mood,
gestures and facial expressions can be utilized to make the speech more vivid and
persuasive. Moreover, it also deserves our attention that in the process of delivering
the speech, the addresser will possibly adjust the mode of his presentation according
to the reaction of the audience.
The last procedure of the criticism is to adjudge the validity and the credibility of the
speech(昌富1998:3), to see if the purpose of the speech has been achieved, if the
original attitude of the audience has been changed, and if it has induced the convinced
audience to make rational judgments and to take actions as addresser of the speech
has implied. The effectiveness of the speech will be decided by whether the desired
response from the audience has been achieved.
§2.2.2 The Pentadic Model
The dramaturgical criticism has played a very important role in the literary world
since 1960s. The dramaturgical criticism mainly includes the dramatic pentad by
Kenneth Burke, the fantasy theme analysis by Ernest Bormann and the narrative
paradigm by Walter Fisher (1998:5). Among them, the pentadic analysis by
Kenneth Burke deserves the greatest attention of the present critics. The pentadic
analysis is the approach, which Burke uses to study human motivation through the
analysis of pentad, and it consists of such five terms as act, agent, agency, purpose and
scene. Burke also develops the twenty ratios to examine the relationship among the
five terms in order to study human motivation in detail. The rhetorical criticism of
pentadic analysis by Burke greatly influences the rhetorical theory of criticism.
Generally speaking, the pentadic analysis is applied to the analysis on language as the
symbolic action from the philosophical, psychological and sociological perspectives.
The pentadic analysis determines to clarify the relationship among motivation, action
and substance; it also studies how people change attitudes with language so as to
induce action (富,1998:5). The thesis will be based on an elaborate analysis on
the model of pentadic analysis and apply the model to the study on the rhetorical


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:61 页 大小:490.65KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-20


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