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学法相结合(下文中称为双 C 结合法)的方法,以提高英语课教学质量,进而实
来自上海自立进修学校的 62 名学员参与了此次实验。他们分为实验班和控制
班,每个班各 31 名学员。两个班采用同一本教材,由本文作者分别执教。在本研
双 C 结
(第 12 单元)作为样课,样课结束后对两个班进行问卷调查,收集学员对这两种
二份问卷调查。所得数据用 SPSS 软件进行统计分析。学生调查问卷的反馈和测试
期结行的实验班的率比高 12.9%验班
分的平均分也比控制班的高 6.16;两个班在大部分题目以及总分上都存在着统计
上的显著差别。 因此,在成人基础英语教育中可以尝试采用自觉对比与交际相结
最后,作者从实际教学的角度提出了开展双 C 结合法的一些具体建
关键词:成人英语教学 自觉对比教学法 交际法 双 C 结合法
English is the most widespread language in the world. In China, not only the
students in schools and colleges take it as a compulsory subject, but adults from all
walks of life begin to learn English in order to meet the needs of life and work.
However, adults are greatly different from adolescents in school and students in
college in terms of physiology, psychology and cognition. As a matter of fact, the
current situation of adult English teaching at the beginners’ level is that most teachers
are part-time teachers and there is not a teaching method which suits for the
characteristics of adult learners very well. In order to change the situation, specialized
research need to be conducted in the field of adult English learning, at the beginners
level especially. An increasing number of teachers and scholars have begun to pay
attention to exploring a suitable teaching approach. The author of the present thesis
thinks that Double C Method (hereinafter called DCM), i.e. the integration of Conscious
Comparative Approach and Communicative Approach in the teaching procedure, can
help adults learn English better. Referring to the findings by teachers and scholars, the
author analyzes the characteristics of adult learners and the merits and demerits of
Conscious Comparative Approach and Communicative Approach. On this basis, she
attempts to implement DCM for the purpose of improving the teaching quality of
English course for adults and realizing the objectives of adult English teaching.
62 subjects from Shanghai Zili Institute took part in this experiment, half in the
experimental class and half in the control class. They used the same textbook and were
taught by the same teacher, i.e. the author. Both of these classes underwent an identical
pre-test at the very beginning of the research to ensure that there was no statistically
significant difference concerning their prior English proficiency. In the control class
Conscious Comparative Approach was adopted while in the experimental class DCM
was adopted. The author chose one unit (Unit 12) from the textbook as a model class,
after the implementation of which a questionnaire was handed out to the two classes to
gather their reflections on these two teaching methods. After almost four months
teaching, students of these two classes had an identical post-test and another
questionnaire was handed out. Their test performances and other information were
gathered and analyzed by use of SPSS. The feedback of questionnaires and data analysis
of the tests proved that adult learners in the experimental class master English better
than those in the control class. In the post-test, the pass rate of experimental class is
about 12.9 percent higher than that of the control class. As for the total marks, the
average score of the experimental class is about 6.16 points higher than that of the
control class. There is statistically significant difference between the two classes of
students on most sections as well as the total score (significant at the 0.05 level).
Thus, DCM should be adopted in adults’ English classes at the beginners’ level.
At the end of the thesis, the author puts forward some suggestions on the
implementation of DCM from the angle of classroom teaching. Though the author has
made great efforts to devise and carry out this study, it is far from perfect. This study,
therefore, serves as an invitation to further research so that the ultimate goal of
improving adults’ English level can be achieved.
Key Words: adult English teaching, Conscious Comparative Approach,
Communicative Approach, Double C Method
List of Acronyms
List of Tables and Figures
Chapter One Introduction…………………………………………………………...1
1.1 Status Quo of Adult English Teaching in China……………………………...1
1.2 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………..2
1.3 Configuration of the Study……………………………………………...........3
Chapter Two Literature Review…………………………………………………….5
2.1 Features of Adult Learners…………………………………………………...5
2.1.1 Physiological Aspect………...………………………………………..........6
2.1.2 Psychological Aspect…………...………………………………………….7
2.1.3 Cognitive Aspect………………...…………………………………………9
2.1.4 Summary……….…………………………………………………………..9
2.2 Exploration into Teaching Methods………………………………………...10
2.2.1 Conscious Comparative Approach………………………………………..11
2.2.2 Communicative Approach…………...…………………………………...18
2.2.3 The Feasibility of Combination…………...………………………….......24
Chapter Three Application of DCM…………………………………...................27
3.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………...27
3.1.1 Participants……………………………………………………………27
3.1.2 Instruments……………………………………………………………27
3.1.3 Procedure……………………………………………………………...27
3.2 Research Implementation………………………………………………….28
3.2.1 The Application of CCA in the Control Class………………………...28
3.2.2 The Application of DCM in the Experimental Class………………….31
3.3 Data Collection…………………………………………………………….33
3.3.1 Questionnaires………………………………………………………...33
3.3.2 Tests…………………………………………………………………...34
Chapter Four Results and Discussion……………………………………………...37
4.1 Survey Results…………………………………………………………......37
4.1.1 Survey 1…………………………………………………………………37
4.1.2 Survey 2……………………………………………………………........39
4.2 Test Result……………………………………………………………….......43
4.2.1 Pre-test………………………………………………………………......43
4.2.2 Post-test…………………………………………………………………45
4.3 Discussion……………………………………………………………………49
4.3.1 Success-conductive Factors……………………………………………..49
4.3.2 Potential Problems………………………………………………………51
Chapter Five Conclusion……………………………………………………………...53
Appendix I The Content of Unit 12…………………………………………….61
Appendix II Questionnaire1…………………………………………………65
Appendix III Questionnaire 2……………………………………………….66
Appendix IV Pre-test…………………………………………………………….67
Appendix V Post-test…………………………………………………………..72
Appendix VI Students’ Raw Scores of the Pre-test………………………………
Appendix VII Students’ Raw Scores of the Post-test…………………………......80
Published Papers……………………………………………………………………..83
List of Acronyms
CA Communicative Approach
CCA Conscious Comparative Approach
DCM Double C Method
df degree of freedom
EFL English as a Foreign Language
ELT English Language Teaching
ESL English as a Second Language
FL Foreign Language
L1 First Language
L2 Second Language
NL Native Language
PETS Public English Test System
SD Standard Deviation
Sig. Significant
TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:71 页 大小:862.17KB 格式:DOC 时间:2024-11-19


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