
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-19 9 4 653.16KB 67 页 15积分
The thesis probes the effectiveness of the integrated skills approach in teaching
college English listening.
The integrated skills approach means over two skills among four language
skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing are applied in teaching language. It
also means the other language skills are used when some skill is more emphasized. By
this way it can obtain better effects. This approach emphasizes “integration”. It more
focuses on combination and supplement of different activities based on the internal
relation among language skills so that four skills are organically integrated. The
article aims at more training the students’ listening skill combined with other language
skills such as reading, speaking and writing.
The input theory and output theory is theoretical base. Listening and reading are
receptive skills; speaking and writing are productive skills. Listening and reading are
foundation. Without listening and reading, without speaking and writing. Speaking
and writing are the extension of listening and reading. Speaking and writing can
promote the development of listening and reading. If the students often speak English,
they can improve their instinctive feel for the language. When they read the materials,
they can read them more fluently. When they listen to English, they can better
understand the materials. If the students often write something, their mind will
become more nimble, thus they can master the theme of the article more easily. The
hypothesis for this research is: the integrated skills approach is effective in improving
listening teaching than traditional teaching mode.
A questionnaire is conducted among 110 students and the result shows that 90%
of them want to improve their listening level. They can’t improve their listening level
because of their attitude, classroom atmosphere and inappropriate method. They hope
that their teacher can construct a better approach to train their listening.
The experiment is designed. By a listening test, two out of three classes about the
same level are chosen: one is an experimental class and the other is a control class. In
the experimental class the integrated skills approach is applied. In the control class
traditional approach is used. First the students listen to the materials and then the
teacher checks the answer.
The experiment lasts for 16 weeks. The students are tested before and after the
experiment. The collected data are analyzed by SPSS13.0.
Through the analysis of the data collected from the experiment, the result shows
that the average grade in the control class is 69.06 and the average grade in the
experimental class is 76.58.P=0.001<0.05 is obtained by the independent sample test.
It proves that there exist great difference between the two classes and the grade in the
experimental class is greatly improved.
To sum up, the paper aims to verify the integrated skills approach is more
effective than traditional teaching mode in students’ listening learning. Empirical
studies indicate that the integrated skills approach does enhance English listening
learning. It is hoped that the paper will provide some insights for further studies in
listening teaching and learning.
Key words: College English listening, the Integrated Skills Approach,
摘 要
综合技能集成法就是指在语言教学中运用听、说、读、写 4 项语言技能中的
之间存在内在联系的基础上注重各项活动之间的衔接与互补,从而使这 4 项技能
作者通过对所带班级的 110 名学生进行了问卷调查,发现 90%的学生想提高
实验进行了 16 周,实验前后对学生的听力进行了测试,运用 SPSS13.0 统计
通过数据分析,结果表明,控制班的平均成绩是 69.06,实验班的平均成绩
是 76.58。通过独立样本检验得出 p=0.001<0.05,这说明控制班和实验班存在
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. ii
.......................................................................................................................... iv
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. v
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review ................................................................................... 4
2.1 the Input Hypothesis ................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis ........................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Roles of Input in SLA ....................................................................................6
2.1.3 Different Opinions about Input Hypothesis ...................................................6
2.2 Output Hypothesis ................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Swain’s Output Hypothesis ............................................................................8
2.2.2 Some Studies on Output Hypothesis ............................................................. 9
2.2.3 The roles of Output ........................................................................................ 9
2.3 The Relationship between Input and Output ......................................................... 11
2.3.1 Input Is Prior to Output ................................................................................11
2.3.2 Output Is a Necessary Supplement to Input ................................................ 12
2.4 The Integrated Skills Approach ............................................................................. 14
2.5 Summary ................................................................................................................15
Chapter 3 Research Methodology ......................................................................... 17
3.1 Hypotheses .............................................................................................................17
3.2 Design of the Questionnaire .................................................................................. 17
3.3 Design of the Experiment ...................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Steps of Classroom Teaching .......................................................................18
3.3.2 A Sample Lesson ..........................................................................................21
3.3.3 Subjects ........................................................................................................21
3.3.4 Teaching Materials .......................................................................................25
3.3.5 Scoring ......................................................................................................... 26
3.3.6 Statistical Instrument ................................................................................... 26
Chapter 4 Data Analysis .........................................................................................27
4.1 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire ....................................................................... 30
4.2 Findings of the Questionnaire ................................................................................33
4.3 Analysis of the Results of the Experiment .............................................................34
4.3.1 Analysis of the Results of Two Classes before the Experiment .................. 34
4.3.2 Analysis of the Results of Two Classes after the Experiment ..................... 35
4.3.3 Analysis of the Result of Class A in two tests ............................................. 41
4.3.4 Analysis of the Result of Class B in two tests ............................................. 43
4.4 Findings of the experiment .................................................................................... 44
Chapter 5 Conclusion ........................................................................................... 46
5.1The Summary of the Research ................................................................................46
5.2 Implications ........................................................................................................... 46
5.2.1 Application of the Integrated Skills Approach to College Listening Teaching
.............................................................................................................................. 47
5.2.2 Application of the Integrated Skills Approach to Further Research ............ 48
5.3 Limitations of the Research ................................................................................... 48
References ...................................................................................................................50
AppendixA questionnaire .....................................................................................51
AppendixTest paper .............................................................................................55
AppendixTest paper .............................................................................................59
AppendixFrom case study ...................................................................................61
在读期间公开发表的论文 ......................................................................................... 64
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
It is well known that listening, as an input channel, plays a very important role in
learning foreign language. As Rost (1990) has stated, listening is very important in the
language study for it supplies input for the learner. If the learner could not obtain input
in an appropriate way, he would fail to learn anything. Nowadays, more emphasis has
been put on listening in China. In January 2004, the Ministry of Education revised
College English Curriculum Requirements, in the new curriculum, the goal of college
English teaching is to cultivate students’ comprehensive English abilities, especially
listening and speaking ability. With higher and higher demands, The Reformative Plan
for College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 requires that, from January 2007 on, the
proportion of listening comprehension has been increased by 15% (the former is 20%).
What’s more, listening comprehension test covers a wider range of topics.
According to the statistics from American professor Paul Pankin (1992), the
information people get from social activities, 75% of which is done by listening and
speaking and the portion of listening is 45%. It shows that listening is important in our
communication. Although teachers and students are all aware of the importance of
English listening study, it is not easy for the students to improve their listening abilities
because the influence of examination-oriented education system is widespread. In the
past foreign language teaching paid much attention to the students’ learning about
grammar to a large extent and ignored the cultivation of the students’ foreign language
communication competence. Foreign language teaching is merely a basic subject in
college education. The students desire to master some basic skills, not communicative
competence. About 90% of the students do not have any form of listening practice after
class except the training for examination. Therefore listening teaching is seriously
How can we improve the students’ listening level? With this problem the
researcher read some articles about the application of the integrated skills approach in
teaching English. Sun zhonghua (2005) proves the effectiveness of the integrated skills
approach in improving the students’ learning efficiency. Xu jinfen (2002) explores the
application of the integrated skills approach in teaching the students’ intensive reading.


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:67 页 大小:653.16KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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