摘 要
培养条件对海洋微藻固定烟气中 CO2的影响
摘 要
快、环境适应性强,是一种高效的 CO2固定转化载体,因此利用海洋微藻固定
培养条件对海洋微藻生物固定 CO2的影响,其中培养条件主要从通入反应器的
前沟藻相比,小球藻为三种海洋微藻中的优势藻种,它在通入 CO2浓度为 15%
气流量和进气中 CO2浓度两方面研究气体条件对小球藻生长和固碳性能的影
而适当的扰动有利于藻液内的气液传质的进行,不仅会促进藻液中 CO2的溶解,
为微藻提供充足的碳源,还有利于排出微藻光合作用所产生的过量 O2从而促进
小球藻的生长;通入气体中 CO2浓度的升高会对小球藻的生长和固碳性能产生
抑制作用,CO2溶解导致的藻液 pH 值下降以及所产生的 CO32-和HCO3-是导致
效率越高,当初始接种密度为 1.5g/L 时表现为最好;随着光照强度的升高,微
光照强度在 5000Lux 时为其适宜的光照强度;培养温度过高或过低都会对微藻
死亡,当培养温度在 18±1℃时微藻的生长和固碳情况良好。
摘 要
应器微藻生物固碳理论模型,并运用动力学方程计算其对应的 CO2固碳效率变
关键词: 微藻 小球藻 生物固碳 烟气 培养条件 鼓泡式生物反应
The Influence of Cultivation Conditions on
Biofixation of CO2 from Flue Gas by Microalgae
Global warming has become one of the focuses of governments, academic
circle and business circle all over the world. It is widely recognized that CO2 from
human activities is the main cause of warming effect nowadays, so controlling CO2
emission has become the priority task of controlling greenhouse gases. Many
researches on reduction of CO2 emission has been conducted and has generated
many valuable fruits from home and abroad, among which bio-fixation of CO2 by
micro-algae chlorella sp. has been emphasized by scholars home and abroad since it
has provided a brand-new and efficient bio-fixation solution to the issues of energy
and environment for its special advantage in the fields of environment protection,
economy, efficiency and natural recycling. This paper is aimed at the influence of
cultivation conditions on bio-fixation of CO2 by micro-algae chlorella sp. in bubble
reactor, among which cultivation conditions are mainly studied by gas conditions
and biological conditions in reactor.
In recent years, controlling the emission of CO2 produced by fossil fuel has
become the priority task of controlling greenhouse gases. Many researches on
reduction of CO2 emission has been conducted and has generated many valuable
fruits at home and abroad, among which micro-algae chlorella sp. is a highly
efficient carrier of CO2 transformation for its better performance in photosynthesis,
reproduction, environment adaptability than normal plants. So bio-fixation of CO2
by micro-algae chlorella sp. is highly emphasized by researchers at home and
abroad since it provides a brand-new and efficient bio-fixation solution to the issues
of energy and environment for its special advantage in environment protection,
economy, efficiency and natural recycling. Since bio-fixation of CO2 by
micro-algae chlorella is a newly-introduced technology, many researches are still in
the experiment stage lacking systematic research. This paper is aimed at the
influence of cultivation conditions on bio-fixation of CO2 by micro-algae chlorella
sp. in bubble reactor, among which cultivation conditions are mainly studied by gas
conditions and biological conditions in reactor.
In this thesis, sifting experiment is conducted in bubble photo-bioreactor and
the result shows micro-algae is the dominant one since it has the best performance
among Amphidinium carterae and Isochrysis under simulative flue gas when CO2
concentration is 15%. Based on this result, the influence of air input and CO2
concentration in gas on the growth and CO2 fixation of chlorella sp.. are studied
first. The result shows that the increase of gas input is an inhibiting factor towards
that of chlorella sp. while moderate disturbance is beneficial to the gas-liquid mass
transfer in chlorella since it not only accelerates the dissolution of CO2 in chlorella
solution to provide enough carbon sources but also discharges excessive O2 to
promote the growth of chlorella. The increase of CO2 concentration can also
suppress the growth and CO2 fixation of chlorella sp. while the decrease of PH
caused by CO2 dissolution and CO32-and HCO3- are main causes.
Second, the influence of inoculums density, light intensity on the surface of
bubble photo-bioreactor and cultivation temperature on the growth and CO2 fixation
of chlorella sp. is studied. The result shows that chlorella has a better performance
in growth and CO2 fixation with the increase of inoculums and reaches the best
when inoculums density is 1.5g/L. It is the same with light intensity but excessively
high light intensity will inhibit the growth and CO2 fixation of chlorella and the
most suitable light intensity is 5000Lux. Both excessively high and low cultivation
temperature will suppress the growth and CO2 fixation of chlorella whether it is too
high or too low. It even kills chlorella when it exceeds the upper limit chlorella
could bear 18±1℃ fits the growth and CO2 fixation best.
Last, the model of bio-fixation of CO2 by micro-algae in bubble
photo-bioreactor is founded. This model applies dynamic equation to calculate the
change law of CO2 fixation efficiency. The result shows that the theoretical model
successfully estimates experiment results, which can offer a preferable forecast of
CO2 fixation performance by micro-algae chlorella.
Key words: Microalgae, chlorella sp., CO2 bioixation, flue gas,
cultivation conditions, bubble photobioreactor
目 录
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 化石燃料燃烧烟气中排放的 CO2现状及危害 ................................ 1
1.2 CO2的捕集与封存(CCS)技术 ...................................................... 2
1.2.1 CO2的捕集与分离方法 .......................................................... 2
1.2.2 CO2的封存与固定方法 .......................................................... 4
1.3 海洋微藻固定 CO2研究进展 ........................................................... 6
1.3.1 高效藻种的筛选和培育 ......................................................... 6
1.3.2 高效光生物反应器的开发 ..................................................... 8
1.3.3 微藻固碳机制的探索 ............................................................. 9
1.4 本文研究的目的、内容和方法 ...................................................... 10
1.4.1 背景及意义 .......................................................................... 10
1.4.2 目的、内容和方法............................................................... 11
1.5 本章小结 ......................................................................................... 11
第二章 实验材料及方法 .............................................................................. 13
2.1 实验仪器、装置与条件 ................................................................. 13
2.1.1 实验仪器 .............................................................................. 13
2.1.2 实验装置系统 ...................................................................... 13
2.1.3 实验条件 .............................................................................. 14
2.2 藻种与培养基 ................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 藻种及藻种保存 .................................................................. 14
2.2.2 培养基 .................................................................................. 15
2.2.3 优势藻种的筛选 .................................................................. 15
2.3 实验分析方法 ................................................................................. 17
2.3.1 藻细胞浓度分析 .................................................................. 17
2.3.2 DO 值和 pH 值分析 .............................................................. 19
2.3.3 藻种的生长特性及固碳效率分析 ....................................... 20
2.4 本章小结 ......................................................................................... 21
第三章 气体条件对小球藻生长和固碳性能的影响 .................................... 22
目 录
3.1 前言 ................................................................................................22
3.2 实验规划与工况 .............................................................................22
3.3 结果与讨论 .....................................................................................23
3.3.1 通入气体的流量对小球藻生长和固碳性能的影响 ............23
3.3.2 气体中 CO2浓度对小球藻生长和固碳性能的影响............26
3.4 本章小结.........................................................................................29
第四章 生物培养条件对小球藻生长和固碳性能影响 ................................ 31
4.1 前言 ................................................................................................31
4.2 实验规划与工况 .............................................................................31
4.3 结果与讨论 .....................................................................................32
4.3.1 藻种接种密度对小球藻的生长和固碳性能的影响 ............32
4.3.2 光照强度对小球藻的生长和固碳性能的影响 ....................36
4.3.3 培养温度对小球藻的生长和固碳性能的影响 ....................40
4.4 本章小结.........................................................................................44
第五章 鼓泡式反应器中微藻固定 CO2动力学模型 ................................... 46
5.1 前言 ................................................................................................46
5.2 鼓泡式光生物反应器动力学模型的建立 ......................................46
5.2.1 基本理论和假设 ..................................................................46
5.2.2 模型的建立 ..........................................................................46
5.2.3 模型的验证 ..........................................................................48
5.3 本章小结.........................................................................................51
第六章 结论与展望...................................................................................... 52
6.1 结论 ................................................................................................52
6.2 展望 ................................................................................................53
参考文献 ....................................................................................................... 54
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