
3.0 陈辉 2024-11-19 5 4 2.9MB 91 页 15积分
摘 要
本文作者通过微软公司的工作流开发组件(Microsoft Workflow Foundation)
关键词:基于规则的工作流系统 业务流程管理 业务规则 供应链管理
Since the global competition is becoming increasingly severe, the organizations are
establishing workflow system to improve the efficiency and lower the cost to maximize
the profit and gain market competitiveness. The workflow system can total or semi -
automate the business processes during which the information, documents and tasks can
be passed from one participant to another for action.
However, the trends of business rules are becoming increasingly complicated and
dynamic. This is especially significant for the supply chain companies that are facing
the volatile business rules to manage business processes. The traditional workflow
systems do not provide the agility to easily change the system when the business
requirements changed. They tend to be ‘static’ and ‘in-agility’ without specifically
focusing on business rules in design. The business rules are embedded in the
programming codes and it is difficult for the system developers to update. The
traditional workflow systems cannot handle dynamic changes in business process and
especially the business rules; the system developer cannot clearly understand the
business rules; the system developer are doing the tasks which are supposed to be done
by business process team and business rules management team; the system is lacking
the design for both static and dynamic update after operations.
In the paper, the author conducted the interviews of two multinational supply chain
companies, so as to understand the business processes and problems of the business
process management of them. Moreover, the author discussed the essentiality to manage
the business rules in the company and the steps to establish the rule base. The author
also suggested the rule-based workflow system framework and how workflow and rule
engine can coordinate to each other. The Rule-based workflow system addresses
problems of ‘static and in-agility’ and different teams within the company can allocate
their tasks in high efficiency and undertake independently during the system
development and maintenance. It can reduce the cost of system maintenance and help
the business process manager to handle more tasks at the same time.
Eventually, the author developed the rule–based workflow system for business
process management (RWSBPM) based on Carrefour company’s reengineered business
processes through Microsoft Workflow Foundation. In the prototype, the author
successfully separated the business rules from the programming codes and thus the
ordinary employees can modify the business rules through web browsers in both static
and dynamic way. The paper provides the references for business process teams,
especially those within the supply chain companies that own complex business
processes and volatile business rules. They can implement the ideas of the rule-based
workflow framework and system suggested by the author in order to enhance the market
competitiveness and reduce the system maintenance cost. The paper also provides the
references for future rule-based workflow system development. The business process
management can be better implemented and documented. More importantly, they can
thus focus on the business rules which are the intangible but critical resources of the
company. Further researches have also been suggested, such as a universal standard of
rule base could be established.
Key Words: Rule-based Workflow System, Supply Chain Management,
Business Rule, Process Management
Chapter One Introduction .............................................. 1
§1.1 Background ................................................... 1
§1.1.1 Background Information of Workflow and Workflow System ........ 1
§1.1.2 Background Information of Business Process Management .......... 2
§1.2 Problem Description ............................................ 2
§1.3 Research Questions ............................................. 3
§1.4 Research Approaches and Contributions .............................3
§1.5 Summary of Previous Researches .................................. 5
§1.6 Outline ....................................................... 7
Chapter Two Rule-based Workflow System ................................7
§2.1 Business rule .................................................. 7
§2.1.1 Why it is essential to manage the business rules ................... 9
§2.2 Workflow Engine ............................................. 10
§2.3 Rule Engine .................................................. 12
§2.3.1 Forward Chaining Algorithm ................................. 14
§ Rete Algorism ......................................... 16
§ WF Algorism .......................................... 17
§2.4 Rule Base ....................................................19
§2.4.1 Rule Acquisition ...........................................20
§2.4.2 Rule Analysis ............................................. 22
§2.4.3 Rule Language Definition ................................... 23
§2.4.4 Rule Base Establishment .................................... 24
§2.4.5 Rule Maintenance ..........................................24
§2.5 Rule-based Workflow System Model .............................. 25
§2.5.1 System Architecture ........................................ 25
§2.5.2 Dynamic Modification Strategy ............................... 27
Chapter Three Application of Rule-based Workflow System in Supply Chain
Business Process Management ........................................... 29
§3.1 Establish Rule base ............................................ 30
§3.1.1 Findings and Problem Discussion ............................. 31
§3.1.2 Business Processes of the Company ............................33
§3.1.3 Rule sets ................................................. 35
§3.1.4 Rule base ................................................ 40
§3.2 Workflow Modeling of Carrefour GSA ............................ 43
§3.2.1 Modeling Approach ........................................ 43
§3.2.2 Petri net modeling ..........................................43
§3.3 Business Process Reengineering .................................. 48
§3.4 Prototype Design .............................................. 52
§3.4.1 System Development Environment and tools .................... 52
§3.4.2 Internet Structure .......................................... 55
§3.4.3 System Structure ...........................................56
§3.4.4 Functional Diagram ........................................ 58
§3.4.5 Workflow Process Design ................................... 59
§3.4.6 Database Design ........................................... 63
§3.4.7 System Service ............................................ 67
§3.4.8 Rule Management Module ................................... 68
§ Static Rule Modification ................................. 68
§ Dynamic Rule Modification .............................. 69
§3.4.9 System Simulation ......................................... 72
§3.5 Rational of Using Rule-based Workflow System in SCM .............. 76
§3.6 Summary .................................................... 77
Chapter Four Conclusions ............................................. 78
§4.1 Summary of the Paper .......................................... 78
§4.2 Discussion ................................................... 79
§4.3 Future Researches ............................................. 81
References ......................................................... 83
Publications ........................................................ 87
Acknowledgements .................................................. 88
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter One Introduction
§1.1 Background
Workflow is a broad concept, which refers to a series of steps that involves
decisions and rules to accomplish a certain task. A single example of workflow is
ordering the dishes at the restaurant by a customer. A customer first checks the menu,
then orders the meal he wants, the waiter takes down the order and sends to the chef.
The chef checks whether the stock meets the requirement to make the dishes what the
customer orders. If so, he will start making the dishes. Otherwise, he will tell the waiter
to modify the order. After the dishes were done, it will be served to the customer.
‘Workflow’ stems from the fields of manufacture and office automation, which a
series of procedures or tasks need to be done one step after another or the documents
need to pass from one place to the other for review or approval. Workflow Management
Coalition defines workflow as “The automation of a business process, in whole or part,
during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to
another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.” Furthermore, they define a
workflow management system as “A system that defines, creates and manages the
execution of workflows through the use of software, running on one or more workflow
engines, which is able to interpret the process definition, interact with workflow
participants and, where required, invoke the use of IT tools and applications.” (Kappel
et al. 1995, p. 11)[1] discussed that workflow management systems (WFMS) had been
introduced to design, execution and monitoring of business processes.
The market competition is becoming increasingly severe. The organizations are
establishing information system to improve the efficiency and lower the cost to
maximize the profit and gain market competitiveness. But the traditional information
systems are lacking effective mechanism and design to handle complex business
processes which involve interactions between several users. The management of
business processes of these information systems is still ‘manually’ instead of
‘automatically or semi-automatically’. Under such circumstances, the companies
especially those strongly rely on good business process management are starting to
introduce workflow management system to manage and monitor their business


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:91 页 大小:2.9MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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