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摘 要
1947 年,是该行业中历史最老、影响最大的专业工厂之一,企业曾荣获上海市名
牌产品“九连冠”,曾连续八年被认定为上海市高新技术企业;21 世纪企业赖以
愈演愈烈,熊猫线2009 年度客户满意度中发现其目标为 86%,而在 2009 年两
次客户满意度实际平均达成值分别为 64.13%71.2%,销售收入增长率为 5%
菲利浦·克劳士比(Philip Crosby),被美国《时代》杂志誉为“本世纪
领域的新纪元。1995 年世界最大的专业组织之一“美国竞争力协会”专门设立了
IBMGE、米利肯(Millikan)、可口可乐、SCI 系统、朗讯科技和福特汽
关键词:熊猫线缆 质量竞争力 质量竞争力测评 质量竞争力培育
The once magnificent - Shanghai panda wire & cable Limited liability company
hereafter referred to as “panda wire”to originate in 1947was in this profession
the history is oldestaffects one of biggest specialized factoriesthe company once
had the honor to receive the Shanghai famous brand goods nine repeated
championsonce continuously eight years were recognized for the Shanghai High
technology and new technology EnterpriseThe 21st century enterprise is livelihood
an d the development external environment is having huge and the intense changethe
cable profession mark et competition is increasingly fierce in the panda wire 2 009
year customer degree of satisfaction discovered that its goal is 86%but two customer
degree of satisfaction actual average achieves the value in 2009 respectively is 64.13%
and 71.2%the sales r ate of increment is 5%while the industry average sales growth
of 20% then the panda wire in with in other enterprise competition or the
cooperationhow does let the customer be satisfied? How to let the enterprise obtain
the lasting competitive ability?
Philip • Crosby, by the U.S. "Time" magazine as "the great management thinker of
the century", "generation of quality guru" . He created a modern management
consulting in the areas of quality and competitiveness of a new era. In 1995 one of the
world's largest professional organization, "American Competitiveness Council" set up
special "Crosby Medal" award for quality and competitiveness in the world has
outstanding achievements of businesses and individuals. IBM, GE, Millikan, Coca-Cola,
SCI Systems, Lucent Technologies and Ford are all outstanding contributions have
earned because of the medals. The results showed that the core of enhancing the role of
senior leadership, allocation of human resources, process and create value and to
establish performance measurement and quality control systems, the key competitive
factors; This viewpoint has conformed to the generalized quality meaning not only
enhanced the product and the service quality reduces the cost the reduction
development and the production cycle aspectalso had reflected “is satisfied take the
customer” as the goal these by majority “world-class” the enterprise successful
proof this article in have profited from the predecessor quality management the
rationale and in the research results foundation take the panda wire as the object of
studythrough and studies to the panda wire quality competitive power evaluation and
the diagnostic analysisdiscovered that its existence the insufficiencyand aims at its
insufficiency proposes the corresponding solution countermeasure the exploration
optimization panda wire quality management strategy mentality.
This article mainly the quality control research related basic theorythe analysis
to the panda wire quality control present situation and uses the compound linear
matrix evaluation method take this as the basic point to carry on the thorough analysis
to the panda wire quality control existence question proposed that the panda wire
quality control improvement strategyand for the quality of certified level management
system management system improvement's result safeguards the quality
consciousness safeguardthe system safeguard and other safeguards primarily by the
quality competitive power cultivation from the personnel to the company quality control
measure further refinement.
key wordPanda WireQuality CompetitivenessQuality
Competitive Power EvaluationQuality Competitiveness
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ....................................................... 1
§1.1 研究背景 ....................................................1
§1.2 研究的目的和意义 ............................................1
§1.3 国内外研究现状分析 ..........................................2
§1.3.1 国外研究现状 .......................................... 2
§1.3.2 国内研究现状 .......................................... 6
§1.3.3 国内、外研究现状分析 .................................. 7
§1.4 研究内容与研究方法 ..........................................7
§1.4.1 研究方法 .............................................. 7
§1.4.2 研究内容 .............................................. 8
第二章 质量竞争力研究相关基础理论 .................................. 10
§2.1 质量竞争力研究相关概念界定 .................................10
§2.1.1 术语 ................................................. 10
§2.1.2 各术语之间的关系 ..................................... 12
§2.2 质量竞争力研究相关理论 .....................................13
§2.2.1 质量竞争力理论 ....................................... 13
§2.2.2 质量文化理论 ......................................... 14
§2.2.3 田口质量理论 ......................................... 15
§2.2.4 并行工程(Concurrent Engineering,CE) ............... 15
§2.3 复合线性矩阵测评方法 .......................................15
§2.3.1 复合线性矩阵法原理 ................................... 15
§2.3.2 复合线性矩阵法计算过程与应用 ......................... 16
§2.4 质量竞争力的其他技术和方法 .................................18
§2.4.1 稳健设计技术 ......................................... 18
§2.4.2 水平比较或基准比较(BENCHMARKING) ................... 19
§2.5 质量方针和质量目标和总体要求 ...............................19
§2.5.1 质量方针 ............................................. 19
§2.5.2 质量目标 ............................................. 19
§2.6 质量竞争力的培育 ...........................................19
§2.6.1 高层领导的核心作用 ................................... 20
§2.6.2 配置人力资源 ......................................... 20
§2.6.3 过程创造价值 ......................................... 21
§2.6.4 建立绩效测量和控制系统 ............................... 21
第三章 熊猫线缆质量管理现状分析 .................................... 23
§3.1 企业基本情况 ...............................................23
§3.1.1 企业简介 ............................................. 23
§3.1.2 企业产品 ............................................. 24
§3.1.3 企业质量目标 ......................................... 24
§3.2 企业质量管理现状 ...........................................25
§3.2.1 质量管理机构设置 ..................................... 25
§3.2.2 质量管理流程 ......................................... 28
§3.3 企业质量管理存在的问题 .....................................30
§3.3.1 使用复合线性矩阵测评方法分析问题 ..................... 30
§3.3.2 熊猫线缆质量管理存在的问题 ........................... 34
§3.4 熊猫线缆改进质量竞争力管理的必要性 .........................36
第四章 熊猫线缆质量竞争力管理改进策略 .............................. 37
§4.1 质量竞争力管理体系建立的基本原则 ...........................37
§4.1.1 激励原则 ............................................. 37
§4.1.2 战略匹配原则 ......................................... 38
§4.1.3 客户满意原则 ......................................... 39
§4.2 企业质量竞争力管理体系方案设计 .............................39
§4.2.1 完善人力资源管理制度,发挥高层领导的核心作用 ......... 39
§4.2.2 树立全员质量保证理念,培育企业质量文化 ............... 42
§4.2.3 建立质量竞争力管理的绩效考核体系 ..................... 43
§4.2.4 强化过程创造价值,建立服务质量意识 ................... 44
§4.2.5 纠正和改进计划 ....................................... 49
§4.3 落实措施以质量竞争力培育为主 ...............................50
§4.3.1 人力资源保障 ......................................... 50
§4.3.2 质量意识保障 ......................................... 50
§4.3.3 制度保障 ............................................. 51
§4.3.4 信息保障 ............................................. 51
第五章 结 论 ...................................................... 52
§5.1 取得的成果 .................................................52
§5.2 存在的问题 .................................................52
§5.3 今后的发展方向 .............................................53
参考文献 ............................................................ 54
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 ...................... 56
.............................................................. 57


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作者:陈辉 分类:高等教育资料 价格:15积分 属性:61 页 大小:1.54MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-11-19


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