摘 要
质的平衡积分卡(BSC)相互结合后,用于在 A寿险分公司进行研究。同时,探索构
1、分析了两个互补的绩效评价工具 EVA 与BSC 的理论依据,阐变述了包括
2、对所要研究的 A寿险分公司目前绩效评价现状,以及该现状在当前市场环
境下,对 A寿险分公司引发的思考进行了分析。
3、根据对 A寿险分公司现状的思考,给出了 A寿险分公司绩效评价的改进
策略,主要包括对 EVA 与BSC 从会计、资金、成本以及财务、客户、内部流程、
学习成长、KPI 等指标的设计;二者整合后的综合计分卡在 A寿险分公司的优点
4、因本文更加侧重的是应用性,所以在结合改进措施后,为了完善应用 EVA
与BSC 的绩效评价,文中有进一步加强了量与质在考核过程中的配套措施的补充
5、经过对 EVA 与BSC 两个互补的绩效评价工具的研究,结合我国寿险公司
关键词:寿险分公司 经济增加值 平衡积分卡 绩效管理
The studying topic of this thesis is how to enhance performance assessment of life
insurance subsidiaries to their subordinate companies. Currently, management entity of
Life Insurance Company has been considerable increasing whatever the aspects of
quantity, scale, premium as well as insurance assets, etc.
With further internationalization of insurance markets, more and more severe
challenges are being faced by domestic insurance industry. No matter external pressure
or internal drive, calls for domestic insurance companies to strengthen their own
management and performance levels. It is critical and significant to have scientific and
rational methods to measure management and performance levels of life insurance
companies, to analyze their advantages and disadvantages in the course of management,
and moreover, to improve their managements.
The main purpose of this thesis is attempting to combine quantitative-change-
emphasis EVA (economic value added) with quality-emphasis BSC (balance scorecard),
then applying to A life insurance subsidiary to study. Meanwhile, explore and construct
practical and reliable performance assessment system suitable for life insurance
subsidiaries in China, and employ new thoughts to them. On basis of relative theories in
domestic and overseas, this article carries out the following studies:
1、Analyzed theory foundation of the two complementary performance assessment
means, i.e., EVA and BSC, expounded their connotation, characteristics and
development. At the same time, introduced merits and drawbacks of traditional
performance assessment.
2、Analyz A life insurance branch company’ performance assessment and some
reflection in current market environment.
3、Provide improvement strategies for performance assessment of A life insurance
subsidiary as per consideration on recent situation of A life insurance subsidiary, mainly
including designs of EVA and BSE from the index views of accounting, capitals, costs,
finance, customers, internal flow, learn and growth, KPI, etc., advantage of A life
insurance subsidiary in comprehensive scorecard upon integrating of such two means as
well as attentions during implementation.
4、This article places more emphasis on its practicality. In order to perfect
performance assessment of EVA and BSC upon combining corrective actions, the thesis
further enhance supplementary designs of supporting actions for quantity and quality
during performance, and give illustrations.
5、Put forward constructive conception through study on the two complementary
performance assessment means, i.e., EVA and BSC, and current circumstance of life
insurance companies in China.
Key Words: Life Insurance Subsidiaries, EVA, BSC, Performance
目 录
第一章 绪 论 ........................................................ 1
§1.1 课题的来源及意义 ........................................... 1
§1.2 国内外研究进展 ............................................. 2
§1.3 课题所要研究的内容及实施方案 ............................... 4
§1.4 研究方法和主要的关键技术 ................................... 5
§1.5 本章小结 ................................................... 6
第二章 两个互补的绩效评价工具:EVA 与 BSC 概述 ........................ 7
§2.1 传统绩效评价方法简介 ....................................... 7
§2.1.1 沃尔评分方法 ......................................... 7
§2.1.2 杜邦分析评价法 ....................................... 7
§2.1.3 六西格玛(6σ)法 ...................................... 8
§2.2 经济增加值(EVA)计算方法 .................................. 8
§2.2.1 经济增加值(EVA)的内涵 .............................. 8
§2.2.2 经济增加值(EVA)的特点 .............................. 9
§2.2.3 经济增加值(EVA)的演变 .............................. 9
§2.3 平衡积分卡(BSC)方法 ..................................... 10
§2.3.1 平衡积分卡(BSC)的内涵 ............................. 10
§2.3.2 平衡积分卡(BSC)的特点 ............................. 10
§2.3.3 平衡积分卡(BSC)的演变 ............................. 11
§2.4 本章小结 .................................................. 11
第三章 A 寿险分公司绩效评价现状及问题分析 ........................... 12
§3.1 A寿险分公司简介 .......................................... 12
§3.1.1 A寿险分公司基本情况 ................................ 12
§3.1.2 A寿险分公司组织结构 ................................ 13
§3.2 A寿险分公司绩效评价体系现状 .............................. 13
§3.2.1 经营指标得分 ........................................ 13
§3.2.2 绩效管理指标得分 .................................... 14
§3.2.3 绩效评级标准 ........................................ 15
§3.3 A寿险分公司绩效评价体系存在的问题及分析 .................. 16
§3.3.1 绩效评价体系不健全 .................................. 16
§3.3.2 绩效评价指标不完善 .................................. 16
§3.3.3 绩效评级标准不科学缺乏激励机制 ...................... 17
§3.4 本章小结 .................................................. 17
第四章 A 寿险分公司绩效评价的改进策略 ............................... 19
§4.1 A 寿险分公司绩效评价改进原则和思路 ........................ 19
§4.2 EVA 在 A 寿险分公司的使用设计 .............................. 20
§4.2.1 A 寿险分公司对经济增加值(EVA)的计算 ............... 20
§4.2.2 会计实务角度的 EVA 调整 .............................. 21
§4.2.3 从资金角度的 EVA 调整 ................................ 22
§4.2.4 从成本形态即成本习性角度的 EVA 调整 .................. 22
§4.2.5 从成本动因角度的 EVA 调整 ............................ 23
§4.2.6 从构建业责任中心角度的 EVA 调整 ...................... 23
§4.3 BSC 在 A 寿险分公司的使用设计 .............................. 24
§4.3.1 财务维度的具体设计 .................................. 24
§4.3.2 客户维度的具体设计 .................................. 24
§4.3.3 内部流程的具体设计 .................................. 25
§4.3.4 学习成长的具体设计 .................................. 25
§4.3.5 控制指标体系的 BSC 制定 .............................. 26
§4.3.6 KPI 控制指标的制定 .................................. 31
§4.4 EVA 与 BSC 整合后的综合计分卡在 A 寿险分公司的优点 .......... 37
§4.4.1 激励制约与经济利润紧密联系 .......................... 37
§4.4.2 便于战略和指标方向的制定 ............................ 37
§4.4.3 便于合理设置公司项目运作方案 ........................ 38
§4.5 A 寿险分公司实施 EVA 与 BSC 过程中的注意事项 ................ 38
§4.5.1 须确立战略方向 ...................................... 38
§4.5.2 须保证财务信息质量 .................................. 38
§4.5.3 须综合利用各种管理手段 .............................. 38
§4.6 本章小结 .................................................. 39
第五章 完善应用 EVA 与 BSC 绩效的配套措施 ............................. 40
§5.1 财务管理指标制定 .......................................... 40
§5.1.1 财务管理指标概述 .................................... 40
§5.1.2 财务管理指标考核举例 ................................ 41
§5.2 权重及评级的制定 .......................................... 42
§5.2.1 权重分配 ............................................ 42
§5.2.2 评级标准 ............................................ 43
§5.3 考核奖惩的制定 ............................................ 43
§5.3.1 负责人考核制度 ...................................... 43
§5.3.2 员工考核制度 ........................................ 45
§5.4 A 寿险分公司绩效管理手册 .................................. 46
§5.5 本章小结 .................................................. 54
第六章 总结与展望 ................................................... 55
§6.1 研究结论 .................................................. 55
§6.2 进一步展望 ................................................ 56
参考文献 ........................................................ 57
在读期间公开发表的论文和承担科研项目及取得成果 .................. 60
致 谢 .......................................................... 61
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